Daniel 2:31
Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great
image. This great image, whose brightness
was excellent, stood before thee; and the
form thereof was terrible.

Daniel makes known unto the king of Babylon the meaning of the dream
which Nebuchadnezzar had dreamed. The image king Nebuchadnezzar
saw in his dream was of a beautiful queen whose form (shape) was terrible
(awesome), as she was very glorious. The woman (image) symbolizes
Jerusalem the great city of the past. In the latter days, the woman symbolizes
the Great Christian Nation of Rev.17:1-6,18, who is the lamb-like Beast
(false prophet)
of Rev.13:11.

This image’s head was of fine gold, his
breast and his (her) arms of silver, his (her)
belly and his (her) thighs of brass (copper),

The head of fine gold represents the kingdom of Babylon who invaded the
city Jerusalem (image) and took control from Egypt, see 2Kin.23:34-37;

Dan.2:38, Thou (Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom) art this head of gold…

Dan2:39, And after thee (Babylon) shall arise another kingdom…

The kingdom which later defeated Babylon, was the kingdom of Medo/Persia
led by Cyrus the great. Cyrus the Persian king typifies the latter day Lamb
(Cyrus of Is.44:28; 45:1)
who overthrows latter day Babylon at the Sixth
Seal. The image’s (woman’s) breasts and arms of silver represent the next
kingdom that had dominion over Jerusalem. The silver reveals the kingdom
of the Medes/Persians to be inferior to the kingdom of gold (Babylon).
The Medes/Persians (silver) came after the kingdom of Babylon (gold),
as silver is second to gold.

In Daniel 7:4, the Lion is a symbol of the kingdom of Babylon. In Dan.7:5
the Bear is a symbol of the kingdom of the Medes/Persians. The Ram is also
a symbol of Medo/Persia, see Dan.8:3,4,20. The image’s belly and thighs
of brass (copper) represent the next kingdom which ruled Jerusalem (image).
Grecia (brass) was the next kingdom after the Medes/Persians.

Grecia (brass) had dominion over Jerusalem by overthrowing the kingdom
of the Medes/Persians (silver). The kingdom of Grecia is symbolized by a
Leopard Beast, see Dan.7:6. The he goat is also a symbol of Grecia, see
Dan.8:5-8,21,22. The head of gold represents Babylon. The breasts and
arms of silver represent Medo/Persia. The belly and thighs of brass
represents Grecia.

His (Her) legs of iron, his (her) feet part of iron
and part of clay.

The legs of iron represent the kingdom that reigned after the kingdom of
Grecia which is symbolized by the belly and thighs of brass (copper).
The belly and thighs of brass symbolize Grecia, and Grecia was divided
into four. The Roman empire is also of Grecia, being one of the four
powers that rose up out of divided Grecia after the death of Alexander
the great.

The legs of iron represent latter day Egypt, which is symbolized as the Dragon
Beast in Dan.7:7,23. Iron is a symbol of Egypt, see Jer.11:4 ref. to Egypt the
iron furnace and the Dragon is also symbol of Egypt, see Eze.29:3. The legs
of iron represent latter day Egypt, which is the Dragon Beast of Rev.12:4
that has no crowns upon its horns, as seen by its heavenly image (Great
Red Dragon of Rev.12:3)

In Dan.2:40, the fourth kingdom is latter day Egypt (the Dragon Beast with
no crowns upon its horns).
During the reign of latter day Egypt the horns
had not yet received power as kings, see Dan.7:23,24; Rev.17:12.
The feet of the image of Dan.2:33 represents latter day Babylon, being the
Dragon Beast of Rev.17:3; 13:1, that has received crowns upon its horns.
The Beast that has crowns upon its horns is the kingdom of latter day

The kings (horns; nations) receive power (crowns) with the Beast (Babylon),
as seen by the mixing (mingling) of clay and iron on the image’s (woman’s)
feet, see Dan.2:33. The feet of clay mixed with iron represents the Babylonian
Beast of Dan.7:8,24,25; 8:9-12,23-26.

Latter day Babylon (Dragon Beast) received its power from the Dragon
Beast of latter day Egypt. When the Lamb (Man-child of Rev.12:5)
sounded his seven trumpets (Revelation of the scroll; two edge
the Dragon Beast of Egypt became Babylon (confusion).

The seven heads (clay) symbolize the seven leading Christian nations, who
unite with the ten horns (iron), see Rev.13:1; Dan.2:42,43; 11:6. The ten
horns (iron) are the nations who receive the mark (wine cup) of the
Babylonian (Christendom) Beast.

Babylon (Christendom) is controlled by the one head (Great Christian
Nation; lamb-like Beast; whore)
. The ten horns (iron; political) and
the seven heads (clay; religious) are united and have become Babylon
because they reject the Lamb with the Seven Seals Scroll.
Babylon (Christendom) destroys many people by peace (deception).

The inhabitants of the earth have received the wine cup in their right hand
from the great whore (Great Christian Nation). The people are
deceived (drunk) by the fire (false Elijah) from heaven (television
transmissions via satellite).
The false Elijah causes the people to
reject the Seven Seals Revelation, see Rev.13:13,14. Many will lose
their glory because they rejected the Seal (Present Truth) of God.
The wise who are Sealed, shall stand in the great and dreadful day
of God’s fierce anger.

The feet upon the image (woman) represent the latter day kingdom of
Babylon which falls twice. The first time Babylon (Christendom) was
wounded was on April 19th 1993. The second time Babylon is wounded
shall be at the end of the 1,260 day (42 month) time period of Rev.11:2;
13:5, and Dan.12:11.

The stone (white diamond throne; Word of God made flesh) smites the
image (great whore) upon her feet (kingdom of latter day Babylon), see
Dan.2:34. The feet represent the last reigning kingdom (being the latter
day Babylon that reigns for one symbolical hour)
before God’s
Kingdom (New Jerusalem) brings an end to confusion (Babylon;
, see Dan.2:34,35,44,45; 7:9,10,18,26,27; Rev.14:8;
16:18-21; 18:2.

Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out
without hands, which smote the image upon
(her) feet that were of iron and clay, and
brake them to pieces.

The stone represents the Word of God being fulfilled (made flesh),
see Zec.3:9. The stone represents the white diamond throne, that is
within the city New Jerusalem, see Rev.20:11. The Kingdom of God
smites the image (great whore) upon her feet (latter day Babylon).
The generation which rejected the Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll is latter
day Babylon. At the Sixth Seal God’s Kingdom shall break (smash)
all other kingdoms from the feet upwards, see Dan.2:44; 7:9,26.

Then was the iron, the clay, the brass,
the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces
together, and became like the chaff of the
summer threshingfloors; and the wind
carried them away, that no place was found
for them: and the stone that smote the
image became a great mountain, and
filled the whole earth.

At the time of the Sixth Seal, God’s Kingdom breaks all kingdoms of the
earth. The latter day Babylonian kingdom represents the clay (heads of
the Dragon in Rev.13:1)
mixed with the iron (horns of the Dragon
Beast of Rev.13:1)
which are upon the feet of the image (woman;
Great Christian Nation)
. After five months of torment (time of
God’s Kingdom (New Jerusalem) will sound the last
warning to Babylon for the people (Great Multitude of Rev.7:9)
to come out of her, see Rev.18:4.

The final plague of fire shall destroy the earth and those who remain.
Therefore, only those who enter the city New Jerusalem shall escape
the final plague which destroys Babylon. The wicked shall be as chaff,
which is carried away by the wind after the good grain (redeemed) has
been threshed out by the Rod (Word of God).

God’s Kingdom shall become a great mountain (Kingdom). God’s Kingdom
shall reign over the whole earth. The Great Multitude (see Rev.7:9) shall
enter New Jerusalem and thereafter the final plague destroys all the works
of man upon the earth.

Before the final plague destroys the earth, New Jerusalem ascends back to
the future (sea of glass) for 1,000 years (a millennium), see Rev.20:4.
All the redeemed shall be within the city New Jerusalem because the earth
will have become uninhabitable once the final plague is fulfilled.

This is the dream; and we will tell the
interpretation thereof before the king.

And wheresoever the children of men
dwell, the beasts of the field and the
fowls of the heaven hath he given into
thine hand, and hath made thee ruler
over them all. Thou art this head of gold.

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon was told that his kingdom (Babylon)
represents the head of gold upon the image (woman), see Dan.2:31,32.
Babylon (head of gold) was the first kingdom represented upon the
image, shown by the gold head. Prior to Babylon’s rule over Jerusalem
(woman of the past), old Egypt ruled over the city of Jerusalem before

The two wings upon the Lion (Babylon) in Dan.7:4 reveals that Babylon was
the second (two wings) kingdom to rule over Jerusalem. The image, reveals
Babylon was the first gold head, because at that time Nebuchadnezzar
reigned and ruled Jerusalem.

And after thee shall arise another kingdom
inferior to thee,

The kingdom that reigned after Babylon was the kingdom of the Medes/
Persians. The Medes/Persians overthrew Babylon, led by the mighty
Cyrus. The breast and arms of silver upon the image of Dan.2:32,
represent the kingdom of Medo/Persia. Medo/Persia is also symbolized
by a Bear, see Dan.7:5. The Medo/Persian kingdom under the rule of
Cyrus the great, typifies the latter day Lamb who returns at the Sixth
Seal and overthrows latter day Babylon (Christendom).

Latter day Babylon received its first wound from the Man-child (latter day
Lamb; Elijah messenger)
on April 19th 1993. The Lamb came to reveal
the Seven Seals Scroll and thereafter wounded the peace (deception) of
Babylon, see Rev.6:4; 13:1,3.

The Lamb (Cyrus) returns at the Sixth Seal and wounds latter day Babylon
(Christendom) for the second and final time, see Rev.14:8; 18:2. God’s
Kingdom wounds the system (religio/political) of latter day Babylon
(mixed clay and iron) which destroys many by peace (deception), see
Dan.8:23-25. God’s Kingdom is likened unto the past kingdom of
Medo/Persia, which overthrew Babylon.

and another third kingdom of brass, which
shall bear rule over all the earth.

The brass (copper) upon the image represents Grecia. The head of gold
represents old Babylon; the breasts and arms of silver represent

The third kingdom of brass (copper) represents Grecia. The image
had a belly and thighs of brass, revealing it to be the
kingdom that reigned after the kingdom represented by silver. The
Grecian kingdom overthrew the Medo/Persian kingdom and ruled
over Jerusalem (image).

The divided Grecian empire symbolizes all other empires down to the
latter days. The Grecian empire was divided into four, see Dan.7:6;
8:8,22. Any other kingdom which arose after the divided Grecian
empire, was still part of the divided Grecian empire as shown in

Let God’s Word be true, and all others false. God does not care how man
sees things, however God declares it to be, is how it shall be. The Saints
walk in the light of the revealed Word of God and shun man’s
writings pertaining to God’s plan of salvation. The wise who have an
ear to hear Present Truth shall hear what the Spirit says.

And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as
iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces
and subdueth all things: and as iron that
breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces
and bruise.

The fourth kingdom is latter day Egypt which represents the religio/political
system upon the earth prior to the latter day Lamb sounding his Seven Seals
Song (Hidden Manna; sealed scroll). Latter day Egypt was the reigning
power prior to the Man-child of Rev.12:5 (Lamb with the Seven Seals
being spiritually born (sounding his seven trumpets, see Rev.8:6).

The Lion, Bear, Leopard and Indescribable Beast of Dan.7:4-7 describes the
kingdoms that ruled over Jerusalem in the past, yet in the book of Revelation
these same Beasts describe the latter day scenario and are listed in reverse
order from the book of Daniel, see Rev.13:2 which describes the Leopard,
Bear, Lion, and the Dragon. The Dragon is listed as the fourth Beast in the
list of Rev.13:2. Latter day Egypt is the fourth Beast of Dan.2:40; Dan.7:7,23.

The fourth kingdom after Babylon is described by the legs of iron upon the
image, see Dan.2:31-33,40. The Dragon Beast of Rev.12:4 that has no
crowns upon its horns, reveals that latter day Egypt (Dragon Beast with
no crowns upon horns)
had not yet become latter day Babylon
(confusion; having crowns upon its horns).

Rev.13:2, And the beast (latter day Babylon of Rev.13:1) which I saw was
like unto a leopard (Grecia), and his feet as a bear (Medo/Persia), and his
mouth as the mouth of a lion
(old Babylon): and the dragon (latter day
gave him (latter day Babylon of Rev.13:1 having crowns upon
his horns)
his power (religio/political), and his seat (rulership), and
great authority
(Latter day Babylon receives its power and seat and
great authority from the latter day Egyptian system.)

The fourth kingdom of Dan.2:40 represents the system of latter day Egypt
which ruled before the latter day Babylonian system. The Babylonian Beast
is in three phases: (1) Prior to receiving a wound, (2) During the wound,
(3) Healing from the wound. Latter day Babylon reigns in two parts, being
two symbolic half hour time periods that make up the one hour of Babylon’s
reign. This is the hour of temptation.

And whereas thou sawest the feet and
toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of
iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but
there shall be in it of the strength of the
iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron
mixed with miry clay.

And as the toes of the feet were part of
iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom
shall be partly strong, and partly broken.

And whereas thou sawest iron mixed
with miry clay, they shall mingle
themselves with the seed of men: but
they shall not cleave one to another,
even as iron is not mixed with clay.

The feet of the image (woman) is mixed with clay and iron which is
confusion (Babylon). Clay (religion) should not be mixed with iron
The clay in this scenario, symbolizes the seven heads (seven
women; seven mountains)
upon the Babylonian Beast, see Rev.13:1.
The iron in this scenario symbolizes the ten horns upon the Babylonian
Beast, see Rev.13:1. The seven heads are the leading Christian nations.

In A.D.90 the seven churches of Asia minor typified the seven heads.
The feet of the image (woman) being mixed with clay and iron means
the nations (horns) of the Beast have mingled (mixed) with the seven
leading Christian nations (seven heads), see Rev.17:13,17; Dan.11:6.
The seven heads (clay; religious) and the ten horns (iron; political)
have come together to support the Babylonian Dragon Beast of
Rev.13:1; 17:3.

Latter day Babylon (Christendom) destroys many people by deception
The Babylonian system rejected the Lamb with the Seven Seals
Scroll who came as the Elijah messenger, see Mal.4:5. The Chosen Vessel
with the Remaining Bride now prophesy again to gather her spiritual
children (Firstfruits) before the Sixth Seal (great and dreadful day
of God’s wrath).
The Christian churches and the political arena have
rejected the Lamb and the Chosen vessel.

The Babylonian system is not preparing the inhabitants to receive the
knowledge (Seven Seals) of God in their foreheads (minds). The
wise shall eat the scroll (Hidden Manna) as John ate the scroll, see
Rev.10:8-10. Only by knowing (eating) the revealed Word of
God can a person receive the knowledge of the Lamb’s New
Name written in their forehead (mind), see Rev.2:17. The wise
who are Sealed with the Seven Seals knowledge (Revelation)
will not be harmed by the Destroying Angels of Rev.9:1-4,14-21;
7:1; Eze.9:2; Ex.12:22,23.

The feet upon the image represent the Beast of Dan.7:8, who speaks great
(amazing) words against the most High, see Rev.13:5,6. The Babylonian
Beast which has seven heads (clay; religious) and ten horns (iron;
speaks great words against the Seven Seals Revelation.

Therefore the Beast (Christendom) is speaking great words against the most
High (God), see Rev.13:5 ref. to the mouth speaking great things against the
Chosen Vessel and those with him after it heals from its wound (wounded
on April 19
th 1993). After healing from its wound the Babylonian Beast
continues for 1,260 days (42 months) until the Sixth Seal (cleansing of
the sanctuary)
is fulfilled.

The Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1 and 17:3 is controlled by one of its heads,
being the mouth (speaker) for the Beast that all the other heads and horns
listen to, and are influenced and controlled by. The mouth is the Great
Christian Nation of Christendom (Babylon) who killed the Man-child
and those with the Man-child.

The wound was inflicted upon the peace (deception) of Babylon
by the Rider (Man-child) of Rev.6:4 with his Rod
of Iron (double edge scroll; double edge sword). The
Beast resurrects (heals) the same (image of the Beast) system
that will kill the remainder of the Bride (Brethren) with the
Fellowservants, see Rev.6:11;13:7;14:13.

The feet of the image represent latter day Babylon who is further described
in Dan.8:23-25; 11:21-24,31-45; Dan.8:9-13; Dan.9:26. The Daily
represents the Messiah who is cut off (killed) by latter day Babylon,
see Dan.8:11;11:31. The people (200,000,000 of Rev.9:16,17) of
the prince (latter day Cyrus) return as the army described in
Rev.19:11-21, and shall overthrow the latter day system of Babylon.

At the Sixth Seal the spiritual sanctuary of the people’s minds shall be
cleansed for five months, see Rev.9:5. The Great Multitude will have
their minds cleansed from the Abomination (Christian doctrine) at the
Sixth Seal.

And in the days of these kings shall the
God of heaven set up a kingdom, which
shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom
shall not be left to other people, but it
shall break in pieces and consume all these
kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

The last kingdom of Babylon (feet mixed with clay and iron), shall be
overthrown by God’s Kingdom at the Sixth Seal, see Rev.6:12-17.
Latter day Babylon (Christendom) was wounded on April 19th 1993.
After 1,040 days the Beast healed from its wound. After healing from
the wound which was inflicted by a sword (see Rev.13:14; two edge
scroll; Rod of Iron)
the image (reflection) of the first Beast (prior
to the wound)
continues for 42 months (1,260 days), see Rev.13:5,14.

From the time the Daily (Man-child) was killed (April 19th 1993) until
the cleansing of the sanctuary of the people’s minds, shall be 2,300 days.
The 2,300 days and the 1,260 days end on the same day, being the day
that the Sixth Seal shall be fulfilled.

God is going to set up the Kingdom New Jerusalem at the Sixth Seal of
Rev.6:12-17. At that time the latter day system of Babylon (Christendom)
will have fallen twice, see Rev.14:8; 16:19; 18:1-24; 19:11-21; Is.21:1-9;
Jer.50:1-46; 51:1-64; and Dan.7:9,10,26,27; 8:14.

Who shall stand when God sets up the Kingdom at the Sixth Seal? Only
the 144,000 (who by that time shall be Sealed with the Seven Seals
will be able to stand. The 144,000 are the remainder
of the woman’s (Bride’s) seed, see Rev.12:17.

The Chosen vessel with the Remaining Bride (Brethren) and the
Fellowservants (Firstfruits who die) shall be killed according
to prophecy, see Rev.6:11; 12:7; 13:7. The living Firstfruits
shall stand in the great and dreadful day of God’s
fierce anger. After the five months of torment (terrible time
of trouble)
the inhabitants of the earth will be invited to leave
Babylon and come to the Kingdom New Jerusalem. The Great
Multitude shall flee from the land of Babylon to the Kingdom of
God, see Rev.7:9,14-17.

Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone
was cut out of the mountain without hands,
and that it brake in pieces the iron, the
(copper), the clay, the silver, and the
gold; the great God hath made known to
the king what shall come to pass hereafter:
and the dream is certain, and the
interpretation thereof sure.

The stone symbolizes God’s Word being fulfilled as it is written. The stone
represents the Kingdom of the Lamb which is taken out from the heavenly
mountain of God in the north. Lucifer has walked upon God’s heavenly
mount, see Is.14:13; Eze.28:14. The stone (diamond gem) that was cut
out without hands is not of human makings.

The next kingdom to reign after the kingdom represented by the feet mixed with
clay and iron, is not of this world. God’s Kingdom will be mistaken as an alien
invasion. The leaders of the religio/political system of Babylon (Christendom)
will not recognize the Kingdom of God, and will even try to fight against God’s
Kingdom. The kingdom of Babylon shall deceive the rebellious people into
remaining behind in Babylon, see Rev.13:13-18; 14:8.

The city New Jerusalem will gather all the inhabitants who heed the last
warning given at the Sixth Seal, before the final plague destroys the works
of man upon the earth. The people of Babylon will reject the invading
Kingdom of God in the name of Jesus. Babylon deceives the inhabitants
into thinking that God’s Kingdom (New Jerusalem) is Satan’s kingdom,
see Rev.19:19 and Joel 3:9-13. Therefore, the armies of the Beast
shall attempt to overthrow the Kingdom of God, which
shall be perceived by the people of Babylon as an alien invasion.

The Word of God is written (concluded) that God’s Kingdom destroys any
and all nations who refuse to come and worship before the king of the universe.
A Great Multitude come up to the Kingdom (New Jerusalem) of God and
receive a new heart, a new mind, and a glorious vessel, see Eze.11:18,19.

Daniel 7: 2
Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision
by night, and, behold, the four winds of
the heaven strove upon the great sea.

Daniel sees four winds of heaven striving upon the great sea. The great sea is
the Mediterranean sea which is off the coast of Palestine. The four winds
symbolize God’s Word, see Zec.6:5. The four winds are God’s whirlwind
(fulfillment of God’s Word), see Job 38:1; Is.41:16; 66:15; Jer.23:19.

Therefore the winds (Word of God) are striving against the great sea (coast
of Palestine)
. The Prophets revealed God’s Word (four winds) to the
people of Judah and Israel, symbolized by the four winds (Word of God)
striving against the land of Israel (coast of Palestine).

Dan.7: 3
And four great beasts came up from the
sea, diverse one from another.

7: 4
And The first was like a lion, and had
eagle’s wings: I beheld till the wings
thereof were plucked, and it was lifted
up from the earth, and made stand upon
the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was
given to it.

The four Beasts coming out of the sea (peoples) is the fulfillment of God’s
Word (four winds). The Lion that Daniel saw represents the kingdom of
Babylon which had ruled Jerusalem in the days of Jehoiakim, see 2Kin.24:1,
2Chr.36:6. The Lion has two wings upon the back of it. The two wings
reveal Babylon (Lion) is the second kingdom that had ruled over Jerusalem.

The first kingdom to rule Jerusalem was Egypt, see 2Kin.23:33-37. The
eagle’s wings upon the back of the Lion (Babylon) symbolize that Babylon
is the second kingdom to have dominion over Jerusalem. The eagle’s wings
were plucked and the Lion Beast was made to stand upon its feet as a man,
and a man’s heart was given unto it.

This symbolizes Nebuchadnezzar who was made to realize that the most
High rules in the affairs of man, see Dan.4:24-37. Nebuchadnezzar became
a beast, having EAGLE’S feathers, see Dan.4:33, and his heart was
changed to a beast’s heart, see Dan.4:16. At the end of seven times
(seven years) the king’s heart (man’s heart) was restored unto him
and Nebuchadnezzar stood upon his feet as a man.

Nebuchadnezzar had been as a beast on all fours during the seven times
(seven years)
of Dan.4:16. Nebuchadnezzar is described in Dan.7:4,
concerning his experience during the seven years as a beast, then being
changed back to a man. This reveals that the Lion Beast of Dan.7:4 is
definitely the kingdom of Babylon, the second kingdom which ruled over
Jerusalem. The two wings on the back of the Lion reveal that Babylon is
the second kingdom to have dominion over Jerusalem.

Dan.7: 5
And behold another beast, a second, like
to a bear, and it raised itself on one side,
and it had three ribs in the mouth of it
between the teeth of it: and they said thus
unto it, Arise, devour much flesh.

The Bear symbolizes the Medo/Persian empire which overthrew the
Babylonian kingdom, see Dan.5:22-31; 2Chr.36:20-23. The Bear
raising itself up on one side describes the Persian empire being dominant
over the Median empire. The three ribs in the mouth of the Bear
reveal that the Medo/Persian kingdom is the third
kingdom to have dominion over the woman (Jerusalem; the image
of Dan.2:31-34)
. Wings come in pairs, therefore three wings could
not be used upon the Bear. Instead three ribs are shown to denote
that the Bear is the third kingdom.

The first to have dominion over Jerusalem (woman) was old Egypt. The
second empire was old Babylon (Lion with two wings). The third (three
was the kingdom of the Medes/Persians, which devoured much flesh
by conquering all the lands which were of the empire of Babylon. The Bear is
represented by the breasts and arms of silver upon the woman (Jerusalem)
in Dan.2:32. Silver is a lesser metal to gold and Medo/Persia (silver) was
the kingdom to rule Jerusalem after Babylon (gold).

Dan.7: 6
After this I beheld, and lo another, like
a leopard, which had upon the back of it
four wings of a fowl; the beast had also
four heads; and dominion was given to it.

The Leopard symbolizes the kingdom of Grecia, being the empire that
overthrew the Medo/Persian empire, see Dan.8:3-8,20-22. The Leopard
has on its back four wings of a fowl, revealing that the Grecian empire is
the fourth kingdom to rule over Jerusalem. The wings of a FOWL denote
that it is inferior (comes after) to the Babylonian kingdom which had wings
of an EAGLE upon its back.

Babylon (eagle’s wings) reigned before the Grecian (fowl wings) empire
as shown by the eagle’s wings compared to fowls wings. The image’s head
(Babylon) in Dan.2:31,32, is of gold which represents the Babylonian
kingdom. The third kingdom is symbolized by brass (copper) and brass is
inferior to gold. The gold had dominion before the silver (Medo/Persia)
and before the kingdom represented by brass (Grecia).

Dan.7: 7
After this I saw in the night visions,
and behold a fourth beast, dreadful
and terrible, and strong exceedingly;
and it had great iron teeth: it devoured
and brake in pieces and stamped the
residue with the feet of it: and it was
diverse from all the beasts that were
before it; and it had ten horns.

The Beast which comes after the Lion, Bear, and Leopard, is the latter day
Beast that has seven heads and ten horns. The fourth Beast is latter day Egypt
that has crowns upon its heads and has not, as of yet, received crowns upon
its horns, see Rev.12:4 ref. to the Dragon that stands before the woman
of the earth.

The Dragon of Rev.12:4, has no crowns upon its horns as seen from its
heavenly image (reflection) of the Great Red Dragon of Rev.12:3. Latter
day Egypt reigns before the Man-child is spiritually born.The Man-child
was spiritually born when he was given the knowledge of the Seven Seals
Song, see Ps.2:7; 40:3.

The fourth Beast (latter day Egypt) is represented by the iron legs upon the
statue (image) of Dan.2:33,40. Latter day Egypt (iron legs) reigns before
latter day Babylon (feet of mixed clay and iron) comes to power. Iron is
a symbol of Egypt, see Jer.11:4, ref. to old Egypt being the iron furnace.
Latter day Egypt is the fourth Beast which was shown to Daniel, being the
same Beast that is listed as a Dragon in Rev.13:2.

The Leopard (Grecia), the Bear (Medo/Persia), the Lion (old Babylon)
and then the Dragon (latter day Egypt) make up the latter day Beast of
Babylon, see Rev.13:2. Latter day Babylon (Christendom) received its
power and seat and great authority from the Dragon Beast of latter day
Egypt, that reigned before latter day Babylon. The Dragon is a symbol of
Egypt, see Eze.29:3.

The Beast of latter day Egypt has no crowns upon its horns, meaning that the
ten horns (ten kings; ten kingdoms) have not yet received their kingdom,
see Rev.17:12. When the horns (latter day nations) receive crowns upon
them, this reveals that the horns (political) have mingled themselves with
the seven heads (religious) and have become Babylon.

The Beast of Babylon (Christendom) rejects the Lamb and his Seven Seals
Scroll. The Lamb came to warn the inhabitants of the earth prior to the great
and dreadful day of God’s fierce anger, see Mal.4:5. The Beast (latter day
in Dan.7:7 is the same Beast in Dan.7:24, prior to the ten horns arising.

The ten horns (kings) receive power for one symbolical hour with the Dragon
Beast of Babylon, see Rev.17:12. In the past, old Egypt ruled over the city of
Jerusalem before Babylon’s reign, see 2Kin.23:35. Pharaoh (Egypt) taxed
the land of Jerusalem, see 2Kin.23:33 and Dan.11:20. In the last generation
latter day Egypt (system of man) became Babylon (confusion) when
Babylon rejected the Lamb (Man-child of Rev.12:5) who revealed the
Seven Seals.

Dan.7: 8
I considered the horns, and, behold, there
came up among them another little horn,
before whom there were three of the first
horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold,
in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man,
and a mouth speaking great things.

The Little Horn which came up among the ten horns (ten tribes) in the first
instance represents old Babylon. Babylon came to the land of Palestine
where the ten tribes (ten horns) had once dwelt. The three horns that were
plucked up refer to the area on the east of the river Jordan where the three
tribes (horns) of Israel took their inheritance. The three tribes were Reuben,
Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh, see Josh.18:7.

The land where the tribes (horns) of Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of
Manasseh had occupied (to the east of the river Jordan) was taken into
captivity by Pul, king of Assyria, and Til-gath-pilneser, king of Assyria,
see lChr.5:26. The land where Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh
had dwelt, was thereafter occupied by Edom, Moab and Ammon on the
east side of the river Jordan. Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh were taken
captives by the Assyrian king.

Therefore, the three horns that were plucked up by the roots refers to the
events that took place when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon overthrew
the Edomites, Moabites, and Ammonites before coming to invade Jerusalem.

The reason why the three horns uprooted by Babylon are mentioned, is for
the reason of knowing which Kingdom the Little Horn represents. Babylon
was the kingdom which uprooted Edom, Moab and Ammon (three horns)
on the east side of the river Jordan. However, the Little Horn speaks great
things, revealing that the Little Horn is also descriptive of latter day Babylon
who speaks great things against God’s Chosen Messenger, see Rev.13:5,6.

The lamb-like Beast of Rev.13:11 is the head (Great Christian Nation)
which speaks great (amazing) things against the Lamb (Prince of
Dan.9:25,26; 11:22; 7:8,25; 8:11)
and the Chosen vessel. The Chosen
Vessel with the Remaining Bride prophesy again during the time when
the Babylonian Beast has healed its wound, see Rev.13:3; 12:6,14.

The Little Horn that rises up typifies latter day Babylon. Latter day Babylon
does not uproot three horns, see Dan.11:41. The three horns that were
plucked up by the roots describes events that took place in the days of
the old Babylonian empire which typifies latter day Babylon.

In the Book of Revelation, there is no mention of the ten horns which are
upon the Beast diminishing. All ten horns give their power and strength
unto the latter day Babylonian Beast that destroys many by peace, see
Rev.17:12. Latter day Babylon is converse to the past kingdom of
Babylon which destroyed many by force, see Dan.8:23-25 ref. to
Babylon destroying many by peace (deception).

Latter day Babylon represents the Christian nations who have rejected the
Lamb with the Seven Seals Scroll. By rejecting the Lamb’s scroll (revealed
Word of God)
the Christians have become Babylon (confusion). Latter day
Babylon takes place in two symbolic half hours (two parts). At the end of
the first half hour Babylon received a deadly wound upon one of its seven
heads (Great Christian Nation) by the Lamb with his two sided scroll
(Rod of Iron; two edge sword).

The second and final wound upon the head of Babylon (Christendom) will
take place at the end of the second half hour, which is the Sixth Seal of
Rev.6:12-17; 14:8; 18:2; Is.21:9. The two half hours make up the hour
of temptation: the one hour of latter day Babylon’s reign.

Daniel 5:25
And this is the writing that was written,
(judged twice; falls twice),

This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE;
God hath numbered thy kingdom
and finished it.

TEKEL; thou art weighed in the balances,
and art found wanting.

PERES; Thy kingdom
(Babylon) is divided,
and given unto the Medes and Persians.

The Medes and Persians under the reign of Cyrus the great, typify latter
day Cyrus (Man-child of Rev.12;5; Is.44:28; 45:1). At the fulfillment of
the Sixth Seal, Cyrus (Lamb) shall overthrow latter day Babylon. Babylon
deceives many by its peaceful (religio/political) policy and craft. Latter
day Babylon (Christendom) is preparing the people of the earth for the
lake of fire.

Latter day Babylon is referred to as a Little Horn because Babylon
(Christendom) worked deceitfully and gained power over the nations
with a small people (Little Horn), see Dan.11:23. Latter day Babylon
(Christendom) reigns by using religio/political control with a small
people (Little Horn). Old Babylon reigned by using force with a
great army.

Dan.7: 9
I beheld till the thrones were cast
down, and the Ancient of days did
sit, whose garment was white as snow,
and the hair of his head like the pure
wool: his throne was like the fiery flame,
and his wheels as burning fire.

A fiery stream issued and came forth
from before him: thousand thousands
ministered unto him, and ten thousand
times ten thousand stood before him:
the judgment was set, and the books
were opened.

The thrones which are cast down, refers to the ruling kingdoms of the ten
horns who became kings in Dan.7:24. The ten horns receive thrones
with the Beast of Babylon, as revealed by the horns having
crowns upon them, see Rev.13:1; 17:12. The Ancient of days is the I
AM, I AM, of Ex.3:14. The Ancient of days has always been the
Eternal One; the Everlasting. The Holy Spirit was set up from within
the Eternal (God becoming masculine and feminine), see Prov.8:23.
The Beasts (kingdom) which Daniel saw in Dan.7:2-8 represent the
kingdoms which were upon the image (statue) of Dan.2:34,44,45.

The stone that was cut out of the heavenly mountain without hands
(not of human manufacture)
which smites the statue (image) of
Dan.2:34,44,45, represents the setting up of God’s Kingdom, see
Dan.7:9,10. The Lamb (Cyrus) returns and wounds the Babylonian
Beast at the Sixth Seal, see Rev.19:11-21.

The King of kings (Cyrus) shall take the crowns from the horns by casting
their thrones down, see Rev.19:12. The crowns (kingdoms) that are upon
the horns shall be taken (cast down) from them and placed upon the Lamb’s
head. Anywhere in scripture that describes God setting up His Kingdom, the
kingdom which is being overthrown is the latter day Babylonian (Christian)

I beheld then because of the great voice of
the great words which the horn spake: I
beheld even till the beast was slain, and his
body destroyed, and given to the burning

After the Beast (Christendom) heals its wound, it speaks great words
against the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride, see Rev.13:3,5.
The lamb-like Beast (wounded head; Great Christian Nation) heals
from its wound, see Rev.13:11. The mouth (Great Christian Nation)
speaks great (amazing) things against the Chosen Vessel’s Seven Seals
Revelation (other side of the scroll) during the 1,260 days (42 months),
see Rev.12:6,14; 13:5.

The Little Horn’s mouth represents the one head (Great Christian Nation)
of the seven heads upon the Beast which causes all nations to drink of her
(great whore)
wine (doctrine: religio/political), see Rev.17:1-6. The voice
that speaks great words against the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride
(who prophesies again with the Seven Seals Scroll) in Dan.7:8, is the
same voice of Rev.13:5. The Little Horn’s mouth is titled as: the lamb-like
Beast, the false prophet, and the great whore; all represent the Great
Christian Nation.

The Lamb (Elijah; Cyrus) came to warn the world before the great and
dreadful day of the Sixth Seal. Thereafter the one head (mouth) of Babylon
was wounded on April 19th 1993. The Lamb with the Seven Seals Scroll
wounded the peace (deception) of Babylon (Christendom), see Rev.6:4.
The Lamb (Elijah) was killed on April 19th 1993, by the Great Christian
Nation (one head; mouth). The wound that was inflicted upon the one
head (Great Christian Nation) has healed.

The wound healed and Babylon (Christendom) now continues for 1,260
days (42 months) until the Sixth Seal destruction of Babylon. From the
time (April 19th 1993) the Lamb (Daily) was killed, 2,300 days are
allotted until the fulfillment of the Sixth Seal (cleansing of the sanctuary;
see Dan.8:14. The resurrected system of Babylon will speak
great words against the Chosen Vessel of the Lamb who prophesies
again for the 1,260 day (42 month) time period of Dan.12:7,11;
Rev.11:2,3; 12:6,14; 13:5; 10:11.

The Bride (Brethren) and some of her seed (Fellowservants) are killed
prior to the end of the 1,260 day (42 month) time prophecy, see Rev.6:11.
During the last three and half days of Rev.11:11, the spirits of the Lamb and
Chosen Vessel (Two Witnesses) return to the dead spirits of the past and
shall redeem the 200,000,000. The Two Witnesses of Rev.11:3,4, represent
the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel who are written on each side of the double
sided scroll, see Rev.5:1.

When the 1,260 days (42 months) have ended, then the resurrection
(great earthquake of Rev.11:13 which is typified by the events of
of the Lamb (Cyrus) and the Chosen Vessel with
the army of Saints (200,000,000) takes place.

The Lamb and the Chosen Vessel (Two Witnesses) and the 200,000,000,
return to heaven in Rev.11:12. At that time Satan the Great Red Dragon
shall be cast out unto the earth, see Rev.12:9. Thereafter, the Lamb
with his Bride return to the earth at the Sixth Seal with the
200,000,000 army (Horses: Bride) of Saints, see Rev.9:15,16;

The Sixth Seal is the time when the city (Great Christian Nation) of
Babylon (Christendom) falls, see Rev.11:13; 16:19. The city represents
the one head (Great Christian Nation) of the seven heads. The one
head (Great Christian Nation) controls the whole Beast of Babylon.

At the time (Sixth Seal) when the Kingdom of God is being set up, the
three voices of the Beast speak great things against God’s Chosen. The
three voices are of the Dragon (Satan who was cast unto the earth),
the Beast (healed Beast of Babylon), and the false prophet (lamb-like
Beast; great whore)
who shall speak great things against God’s
Kingdom, see Rev.16:13.

The voices of Christendom (Satan; Beast; false prophet) cause the
rebellious to be deceived and destroyed by the consuming fire. After
the Beast of Babylon is slain at the Sixth Seal, the Great Multitude shall
be gathered into the Kingdom New Jerusalem. Then the body of the
Babylonian Beast shall be given to the burning flame, see Rev.19:20.

Every person shall have a choice, they must decide whether to be inside
the Kingdom, or to receive the mark of the Beast and remain outside, see
Rev.21:27. The rebellious who do not enter the Kingdom of God (New
shall be consumed by the final plague which causes the earth
to become a lake of fire.

All the works of man shall be dissolved (melted) when the body of
Babylon is destroyed and consumed, as she is given to the burning
flame that is the final plague of Rev.16:1-17; Mal.4:1; 2Pet.3:7;

New Jerusalem shall leave the earth with all the redeemed inside before
the final plague destroys the works of man upon the earth. After the
Great Multitude have entered into the city (spacecraft), God’s city
shall return to the future (sea of glass) at the time that the earth is
consumed in a lake of fire, see Rev.19:20.

As concerning the rest of the beasts,
they had their dominion taken away:
yet their lives were prolonged for a
season and a time.

The Lion (old Babylon), Bear (Medo/Persia), Leopard (Grecia), and
the fourth Beast (latter day Egypt) had their dominion (kingdom)
taken away. The Beast’s lives (dominion) were prolonged for a while
until the next Beast (kingdom) reigned in their stead. The latter day
Beast of Babylon (Little Horn; Dragon Beast with crowns upon its
is the Beast that is given unto the burning flame (lake of fire).
Thereafter, God’s Kingdom shall reign forever and shall never come
to an end.

I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one
like the Son of man came with the clouds
of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days,
and they brought him near before him.

And there was given him dominion, and
glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations,
and languages, should serve him: his dominion
is an everlasting dominion, which shall not
pass away, and his kingdom that which shall
not be destroyed.

The Son of man is God’s Word made flesh. The Son of man is given his
Kingdom from the Ancient (Everlasting) of days. In contrast to the
other kingdoms which are prolonged for a time and a season, the Son
of man’s Kingdom lasts forever. His Kingdom shall not be destroyed
as were the past kingdoms of the Lion, Bear, Leopard, and fourth
Dragon Beast of latter day Egypt.

The Dragon Beast of latter day Babylon is destroyed and given to the
burning flame (lake of fire). After the Babylonian (Christian) kingdom
has been consumed, the Lamb’s (Cyrus) Kingdom shall reign forever
and shall not pass away or be destroyed.

I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the
midst of my body, and the visions of my
head troubled me.

I came near unto one of them that stood
by, and asked him the truth of all this.
So he told me, and made me know the
interpretation of the things.

These great beasts, which are four, are four
kings, which shall arise out of the earth.

Daniel is being shown the interpretation by an holy one. The four Beasts
are four kingdoms (kings) coming up out of the earth, see Dan.7:17;
whereas before the four Beasts came up from the sea, see Dan.7:3.
The sea is interpreted here as being synonymous with earth (dust).

The Adamic kingdom came up out of the sea, being the waters of Gen.1:2.
The Dragon Beast of Babylon also came up from the sea, see Rev.13:1;
17:15. The Beasts coming up out of the earth represents the people who
were made from the dust (earth) of the ground, see Gen.2:7. The lamb-like
Beast of Rev.13:11, is coming up (resurrecting) from the earth (dust of
the ground; grave).
The earth symbolizes people, as the sea denotes the
multitudes, nations and languages and peoples.

But the saints of the most High shall take
the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for
ever, even for ever and ever.

Then I would know the truth of the fourth
beast, which was diverse from all the others,
exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron,
and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake
in pieces, and stamped the residue with his

The fourth Beast is the Dragon Beast of Egypt which has crowns upon its
heads, however has yet to receive crowns upon its horns, see Rev.12:4.
The Dragon Beast of latter day Egypt represents the kingdom described
by the legs of iron upon the image (woman), see Dan.2:33,40.

Latter day Egypt does not become latter day Babylon (confusion) until
the Lamb (Man-child of Rev.12:5) sounds his Seven Seals trumpets
(Revelation). The Man-child (Elijah) was spiritually born when he
sounded his Seven Seals message, thereafter latter day Egypt (legs
of iron)
became latter day Babylon (feet of iron mixed with clay).

And of the ten horns that were in his head,
and of the other which came up, and before
whom three fell; even of that horn that had
eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things,
whose look was more stout than his fellows.

In the past the ten horns represented the ten tribes who received their
inheritance within the land of Palestine. The tribes of Israel including
the tribe of Manasseh and Ephraim, make a total of thirteen tribes.
Subtract the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh
(who took their inheritance on the east side of Jordan)
and eleven
tribes remain (including the other half of the tribe of Manasseh).

Subtract the tribe of Levi (as the Levites have no part in the inheritance
as they have the priesthood),
and ten tribes remain in the seven lots
(seven heads)
of Palestine. The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe
of Manasseh, including the tribe of Levi, received no inheritance within
the Promised Land, see Josh.18:6,7.

The Little Horn that comes up in Dan.7:8,20, is in the first instance
descriptive of old Babylon who uprooted three horns (three fell).
The three horns are Edom, Moab, and Ammon, who were situated
upon the east side of the river Jordan where Reuben, Gad, and half
the tribe of Manasseh were situated before they were taken captive
by the Assyrian king, see 1Chr.5:26. The three horns (Edom, Moab,
were uprooted by the Little Horn (old Babylon) during the
invasion by old Babylon.

The types of the past are used so the reader may understand whom God
is describing in the latter days. In the latter day scenario, Babylon (the
Little Horn)
does not uproot any horns; opposite to the past (converse)
scenario, see Dan.11:41. The reason why the Little Horn is referred to
as little, is because latter day Babylon takes over from latter day Egypt
with a small (little) people, see Dan.11:23.

The Little Horn (latter day Babylon) represents the democratic religio/
political system of Christendom (Babylon). The mouth of the Little Horn
(see Dan.7:20)
represents the lamb-like Beast of Rev.13:11. The mouth
(one head of the seven heads)
of the Beast (Little Horn) of Babylon
(Christendom) speaks great (amazing) words against the Bride who
has the Seven Seals Scroll (Hidden Manna).

The Chosen Vessel (Elisha) prophesies again during the 1,260 day (42
time period that Babylon (Christendom; Little Horn) continues
after having healed its wound, see Rev.13:5. The mouth of the Little Horn
(whore; Great Christian Nation)
has a look more stout (bold) than his
fellows (ten horns upon the Beast of Babylon). The fellows in Dan.7:20
is in reference to the nations which have drunk from the wine cup that is in
the whore’s hand, see Rev.17:1,2,18.

I beheld, and the same horn made war with
the saints, and prevailed against them;

The mouth of the Little Horn is the latter day Great Christian Nation
(lamb-like Beast) who makes war with the Lamb (Man-child of
The Lamb is the Daily (Sun of righteousness; daylight;
Morning Star)
, see Dan.8:10-12; 11:31-35; 11:22; 9:26. Some of
the Lamb’s Bride are under the altar of the Fifth Seal, see Rev.6:9,10.

The Saints (Lamb’s Bride) were killed by the Little Horn (Great
Christian Nation)
on April 19th 1993. The Lamb (Elijah
who wounded the head (Great Christian Nation)
on April 19th 1993, caused the Christian (Babylonian) religio/
political structure to be injured, see Rev.6:4; 13:3.

The religio/political system of Christendom (Babylon) healed (resurrects)
from its wound, and now continues for 1,260 days (42 months). The Little
Horn (Christendom) shall make war with the Bride (Brethren) and the
Fellowservants who are also to be killed, see Rev.11:7; 13:7; 14:12,13.

When the remainder of the Bride (whom the Chosen Vessel is of) is
killed with the Fellowservants (dead Firstfruits; one of the two
wave loaves of Lev.23:17),
only then is the Fifth Seal completely
fulfilled, see Rev.6:11. After the Fifth Seal has been accomplished,
then the Sixth Seal shall be fulfilled after the three and a half days.

Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment
was given to the saints of the most High; and
the time came that the saints possessed the

Babylon (Christendom) has healed from its wound (Little Horn) and now
continues for 42 months until the Sixth Seal is fulfilled, see Rev.6:12-17.
At the Sixth Seal the Saints are given the Kingdom.

The Sixth Seal scenario is also seen by the stone (white diamond; white
throne of God)
which smites the image (woman) upon her feet, see
Dan.2:34-36,44,45. The Kingdom of God shall gather all the redeemed
before the final plague destroys the works of man in the lake of fire.

After the five months of torment are fulfilled at the Sixth Seal, the Great
Multitude shall be gathered into the city of God (New Jerusalem). The
redeemed shall inherit the new heaven and new earth, see Rev.21:1-7.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the
fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be
diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour
the whole earth, and shall tread it down,
and break it in pieces.

A Beast represents a kingdom of man. The fourth kingdom (Beast)
represents latter day Egypt who reigned prior to the latter day kingdom
of Babylon (Christendom). The fourth Beast is a Dragon with seven
heads and ten horns. The ten horns had not received their kingdom
(crowns upon horns)
until the Dragon Beast of Babylon took over
from the Dragon Beast of Egypt.

The Dragon without crowns upon its horns is descriptive of Egypt,
see Eze.29:3. The fourth Beast (latter day Egypt) represents the
Dragon who is mentioned in the list of Beasts (see Rev.13:2): the
Leopard (Grecia), Bear (Medo/Persia), Lion (old Babylon), and
the Dragon (latter day Egypt). The Dragon gives him (latter day
Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1)
his seat and great authority.

The Dragon Beast of Egypt is symbolized by the legs of iron that are upon
the image of Dan.2:33. The legs of iron represent the fourth kingdom. The
first kingdom (after Egypt) was old Babylon which is represented by the
gold head, the second was Medo/Persia represented by the silver breasts
and arms, the third kingdom was Grecia represented by the belly and thighs
of brass (copper).

The fourth metal shown in the image are the legs of iron, see Dan.2:40. The
fourth Beast represents the Dragon Beast which stood before the woman
prior to the Man-child (Lamb) being spiritually born, see Rev.12:4. Latter
day Egypt has no crowns upon its horns, meaning the horns have not yet
received power with Babylon, see Rev.17:12. Iron (iron legs) is a symbol
of Egypt, see Jer.11:4 ref. to Egypt the IRON furnace.

And the ten horns out of this kingdom are
ten kings that shall arise: and another shall
rise after them; and he shall be diverse from
the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

And he shall speak great words against the
most High, and shall wear out the saints of
the most High, and think to change times
and laws: and they shall be given into his
hand until a time and times and the dividing
of time.

When the ten horns arose, the fourth Beast which was latter day Egypt
became Babylon (confusion). The ten horns (nations) are backing the
Babylonian (Little Horn) system that destroys many by peace
see Dan.8:23-25.

The one head (Great Christian Nation) of the seven, whose look
(face) is more stout (bold) than his fellows (other horns; nations),
represents the mouth (lamb-like Beast) of the Babylonian Beast.

The lamb-like Beast made war with the Lamb on February 28, 1993 and
April 19th 1993. The mouth (Great Christian Nation) of the Little Horn
(Babylon) shall make war with the Chosen Vessel and the Remaining
Bride and the Fellowservants, see Dan.7:21; Rev.13:7.

In the past, the Little Horn which arose (Little Horn) and subdued three
horns (nations), represents Babylon of old. Babylon uprooted the Edomites,
Moabites, and Ammonites (three horns). Latter day Babylon (Christendom)
does not uproot three horns (nations), as it would be clearly shown in the
Book of Revelation.

The mouth (Great Christian Nation) of Babylon (Little Horn) speaks great
words, first against the Lamb with the Seven Seals Revelation, then against
the Chosen Vessel and those of the Bride who were not killed on February
28, 1993 and April 19th 1993, see Rev.6:9-11; Dan.11:31-35. The mouth
of the Little Horn (Christendom) did not kill all of the Bride, as seen in
Dan.11:33-35 where some of the Bride are in Babylonian (Christian)

The Babylonian Beast was wounded upon one of its heads on April
19th 1993. After a short space of time (1,040 days) the wound upon
the one head (Great Christian Nation) healed signifying that all the
world wonders after the Christian Beast of democracy. When the
wound healed, this represented the Abomination (false knowledge)
of Desolation sitting in the spiritual temple of the people’s minds, see

In the past, the holy mountain was Jerusalem, where the physical sanctuary
(temple) of God was situated, see Dan.11:45. The latter day Dragon
Beast of Babylon (Christendom) removed the Seven Seals Revelation
of the Lamb (High Priest; Koresh; budded Rod of Eze.7:10) from
the spiritual sanctuary of the people’s minds.

Christendom replaced the Seven Seals knowledge (spiritual food) with
their abominable knowledge (defiled food; see Eze.4:12,13) which
means the whole world is wondering after the Babylonian (Christian)
Beast, see Rev.13:3. The mind and the womb are locations which
receive spiritual and literal seed (knowledge), symbolizing the spiritual
temple (sanctuary) of the body. When the wound of Babylon healed
this caused the people of the earth to trust in the religio/political ideals
of Babylon (Christendom). The rebellious are not written in the Lamb’s
Scroll of Life.

The Abomination of Desolation (wine cup: doctrine of Babylon)
shall continue for a time (360 days) times (720 days) and the
dividing of time (180 days) from the day the wound was healed,
see Rev.13:3,5; Dan.7:25.

During the 1,260 day (42 month) time period, Christendom
shall think (assume) to change the times, time and
half a time (1,260 days); meaning, Christendom does not think
it is coming to an end by the hand of God. Christendom shall
also think to change the laws of prophecy, which are the laws
written in the Seven Seals Scroll.

The lamb-like Beast (mouth of the Little Horn) shall wear out the
Saints (Bride with the Fellowservants) that are in Babylonian
captivity. The Babylonian (Little Horn) Beast’s mouth (Great
Christian Nation)
speaks great (amazing) things against the
revealed Word of God.

The Chosen Vessel prophesies again during the time the wound has I
healed and continues prophesying for a time, times and the dividing
of time (1,260 days; 42 months), see Rev.12:6,14. The Beast of
latter day Babylon is described as a Dragon, see Jer.51:34, ref. to
the latter day Dragon Beast of Babylon (Christians). Latter day
Babylon (Christendom) is described as iron (feet of iron and clay,
see Dan.2:41).

Jer.15:12, Shall iron (Babylon) break the northern iron and the steel (copper)?

The northern iron is symbolical of God’s Word through Jeremiah. God’s
Word comes from the north, see Eze.9:2. God promised (northern iron)
Jeremiah that the enemy (iron; old Babylon) would entreat him well, since
Babylon of the past fulfilled the prophecies of Jeremiah.

Therefore, iron (the fulfillment of the Word) shall not break the northern iron
(the prophetic Word of God through Jeremiah) and the steel (should be
copper; symbolizing the remnant who believed Jeremiah’s word).
the latter days the wise shall hearken unto the prophetic Word (northern
of God, as revealed by the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel.

God’s sword (Sixth Seal; Iron) shall not touch those who have been
sounding the message of the great and dreadful day of God’s wrath as
revealed by the Chosen Vessel.

In the latter days the Remnant (144,000) will be Sealed in their foreheads
(minds), therefore the Destroying Angels will not touch them, see Rev.9:4;
Eze.9:6. The Biblical events of the past typify the prophetic fulfillment of
latter day events.

In the past Jeremiah and his remnant (followers) were promised deliverance
from Nebuchadnezzar’s sword, see Jer.15:11,12. The iron of Jer.15:12
represents God’s sword being fulfilled by old Babylon. The northern iron
mentioned in Jer.15:12, represents the prophetic warnings of God’s Word
prior to the sword (iron) being fulfilled. Jeremiah’s word represented the
northern iron, and the steel (should be copper) represented the remnant
that hearkened unto Jeremiah’s word.

The Sealed Book Of Daniel Continued.......

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598