Ezekiel 4: 1
THOU also, son of man, take thee a tile, and
lay it before thee, and portray upon it the city,
even Jerusalem:
God (Holy Spirit) tells Ezekiel to draw (portray)
upon a tile (clay tablet)
the city Jerusalem (capital of Judah). Ezekiel is
lying on his front side
while he draws the city Jerusalem upon the clay tablet (tile).
When Jehoiakim reigned, Daniel was among the first
captives to be brought
to Babylon; taken into captivity during the first
invasion of Jerusalem by king
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, see Dan.1:1; 2Kin.23:36.
Ezekiel was among
the second group of captives when God spoke to him.
Ezekiel was taken
captive during the reign of king Jehoiachin, see
Eze.1:1,2. Ezekiel was among
the captives who were taken from Jerusalem (by king
Nebuchadnezzar of
Babylon) during the reign of king Jehoiachin whom
Nebuchadnezzar had
appointed as king over Jehoiakim.
After Jehoiakins reign, Zedekiah reigned in his (Jehoiakins)
stead. Zedekiah
was appointed by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon to reign
in Jerusalem. After
a while, Zedekiah rebelled against Babylon, even though
God had instructed
through the Prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel that the
Israelites were to serve
Babylon for 70 years, see Jer.25:11; 29:10. Therefore God
Ezekiel to portray upon the tile what shall happen to
Zedekiah and those
with him in Jerusalem.
The prophesies of Ezekiel (from chapter four to
chapter nine) foretold what
happened to Jerusalem at the third invasion by Babylon (Gods
Rod). From
the first invasion by the king of Babylon until the time
that Babylon was
overthrown (by the Medo/Persian kingdom),
Jerusalem had served
the kingdom of Babylon for 70 years, see Jer.25:9-12.
When the city of Jerusalem was invaded during the
reign of Zedekiah (and the
city and temple was burnt to the ground) 30 years had
already passed of the
70 years. The 70 years began when Nebuchadnezzar invaded
Judah and took
Jerusalem captive during the reign of Jehoiakim king of
Judah; Daniel being
among the captives of the first invasion by king
Nebuchadnezzar. Jerusalem
served the king of Babylon for 70 years until the
Medo/Persian kingdom of
Cyrus overthrew the kingdom of Babylon ending the 70
In Ezekiel chapter four, God warned what would happen
to Jerusalem. Ezekiel
chapter nine typifies the literal outcome upon Jerusalem
at the hand of king
Nebuchadnezzar (Gods Rod), see Jer.52:1-34;
2Kin.24:10-16; 25:1-10;
The third invasion of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar king
of Babylon, destroyed
the temple by burning it to the ground. God sent
Nebuchadnezzar to cleanse the
temple at Jerusalem with fire.
The people of Judea had made their worship and
sacrifice an Abomination,
therefore God cleansed His sanctuary of the Abomination,
by the hand of
Nebuchadnezzar (Gods Rod), see Eze.33:21.
From the time when
Nebuchadnezzar ruled Jerusalem until the burning of the
temple, 30
years had passed of the 70 year prophecy, see
Jer.25:11,12. The 40
years that remained of the 70 years was represented by
Ezekiel lying
on his side for 40 days for the iniquity of Judah, see
The prophetic events of the past are ensamples (types)
for the latter day
people who fulfill these prophecies and thereafter shall
possess the
Promised Land forever. The events of the past are types
for the latter
day fulfillment of the prophecies written of in the
Lambs sealed scroll.
To understand prophecy we must receive the Revelation of
Lambs scroll.
Eze.4: 2
And lay siege against it, and build a fort
against it and cast a mount against it; set
the camp also against it, and set battering
rams against it round about.
The whole book of Ezekiel is a continuing theme
concerning Jerusalem
rejecting the Words of God. Jerusalem was punished for
not listening
to Gods servants the Prophets. Ezekiel is a type of
the latter day
Lamb who as the Elijah messenger warned Jerusalem.
typifies the latter day nation which killed the Lamb who
the Seven Seals Mystery.
The prophecy of Eze.4:2 referred to Jerusalem of old.
built a fort and set his camp round about the walls of
Jerusalem and had
battering rams to knock down her gates.
The future Lamb (Ezekiel type) with his
revealed scroll (Word of God), set
spiritual battering rams (Present Truth) and
camped round the deception
(false beliefs) of Christendom. Nebuchadnezzar king
of Babylon breaks
down the walls and burns and destroys the temple of
Jerusalem. The words
of the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel will also break down
the walls (false
theories) of Christendom (who prophesies smooth
things unto the
people) when the sword (Sixth Seal) is upon
them; see Eze.9:5.
No one shall escape from Gods Word (sword): the
Seven Seals.
Nebuchadnezzar destroyed (cleansed) the walls and
burnt the
temple of Jerusalem. At the fulfillment of the Sixth Seal
army of Saints shall cleanse the temple (minds) of
Those who have an Abomination (false beliefs) in
their mind
(temple; sanctuary) shall be consumed, see
Eze.4: 3
Moreover take thou unto thee an iron
pan, and set it for a wall of iron between
thee and the city: and set thy face against
it, and it shall be besieged, and thou shalt
lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to
the house of Israel.
Ezekiel is told to place an iron wall (pan)
between himself and the clay tablet
(which he portrayed Jerusalem upon see Eze.4:1).The
iron pan revealed
that there was no escape from Gods Word for those
who were in Jerusalem.
Gods Word is an iron wall which shall not fail.
Gods Word (Iron pan) shall
be fulfilled upon the rebellious. There is no escape from
that which has been
The Lambs (type of Ezekiel) face is set
against the hypocrites of Christendom
and will accomplish his mission of fulfilling Gods
Word as he is the Word
made into flesh, see Eze.3:8; Is.50:7; Jer.21:10;
Rev.6:16; 20:11. Gods
Word never fails once he sets his face (Word)
against the hypocrites like
an iron wall.
The Word of God was fulfilled in type by
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
destroying and burning Jerusalem in the third invasion
against the rebellious
people of God, see 2Kin.24:18-20; 25:1-11; Eze.33:21. The
same scenario
will happen in the future (anti-type) fulfillment
as it happened in the past
destruction of Jerusalem.
The latter day Lamb who was rejected and killed shall
return with his army of
Saints; to judge the Great Christian Nation, see
Rev.9:2,14-16; Joel 2:1-32;
Is.13:1-22. The Lamb who appeared in the latter days
should have went
forward conquering and to conquer as described in
Ps.45:1-5 and Rev.6:2.
Instead the Lamb went froward in the way of his heart as
prophesied in the
Word of God, see Ps.89:38-52; Is.57:16-21, Is.53:10.
The Lamb and his followers (Bride) became the
fulfillment of the bitter Word
of God. The things which were fulfilled upon Jerusalem
was fulfilled upon the
Lamb and his followers, see Dan.11:33. The Lamb went
froward in the way
of his heart to save his friends (Bride), thereby
fulfilling the bitter prophecies
which in the past were fulfilled upon Jerusalem. The
prophecies of the past
are reversed in the future fulfillment.
The latter day Babylon of Rev.17:1-18 is the
religio/political nation that killed
the Lamb who had the Seven Seals. In the past Cyrus (Koresh)
the Medo/
Persian king (typifying the Lamb) overthrew
Babylon of old. The latter day
Cyrus of Is.44:28; 45:1; 13:17-19; Is.21:9; Jer.50:1-46;
and Rev.14:8, will
overthrow latter day Babylon. The Great Christian Nation (the
one head of
the Babylonian Beast) killed the Lamb with the Seven
Seals and some of his
Bride, see Dan.8:10-14; Rev.6:9; 17:5-7.
The Christians (mystery; Babylon) will have
their kingdom taken from them by
the latter day Cyrus (Lamb with the Seven Seals)
which is the fulfillment of the
Sixth Seal. The scenario of Eze.4:3 which happened to
Jerusalem, also refers to
the Great Christian Nation (great whore; type of
Jerusalem) that will be
besieged by Gods army of Saints, as a sign to the
other nations (Israel),
see Rev.18:9.
Eze.4: 4
Lie thou also upon thy left side and lay the
iniquity of the house of Israel upon it:
according to the number of the days that
thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their
Ezekiel was lying upon his front side whilst he
portrayed the city Jerusalem
upon the clay tile in Eze.4:1, as he set the camp against
the clay tablet that
had Jerusalem drawn (portrayed) upon it, see
Eze.4:2. Then he set an iron
wall of metal between himself and the clay tablet (tile),see
Ezekiel is then told to lie upon his left side in
front of the clay tablet (having
Jerusalem portrayed upon it); with the camp and
battering rams against
the clay tablet and the iron wall (iron pan)
between himself and the clay
tablet. Ezekiel is to lay upon his left side for the
iniquity (sins) of the house
of ISRAEL (ten tribes) for a certain amount of
days. The days represent
the years of Israels iniquity (sins).
Eze.4: 5
For I have laid upon thee the years of
their iniquity, according to the number
of the days, three hundred and ninety
days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of
the house of Israel.
Ezekiel is to lay upon his left side for 390 days
which in this case represents
years. God does not want Ezekiel to lie on his side for
390 literal years.
Therefore, God had Ezekiel lie on his left side for 390
days and each day
represented a year of Israels (ten tribes)
iniquity. The 390 years of Israels
iniquity began when Israel separated itself from Judah (southern
two tribes)
at the time when Rehoboam was king of Judah and Jeroboam
was king
of Israel.
The division was caused because of the sins of
Solomon. The 390 years of
Israels iniquity against Gods Word, ended
when the kingdom of Medo/
Persia overthrew Babylon. The king of Persia whose name
was Cyrus,
immediately decreed that all refugees could return unto
their homelands.
Israel (ten tribes) never returned to the northern
land of Palestine as
they had lost their identity when they were taken into
captivity by
the Assyrians.
God was showing by example (through the
Medo/Persian king Cyrus; type
of the Lamb) how the latter day king Cyrus (Koresh)
will overthrow modern
day Babylon. Cyrus (Lamb) brings his people (type
of twelve tribes) back
to the Promised Land (New Jerusalem) which is set
up at the Sixth Seal.
The Lamb (Cyrus) overthrows the latter day kingdom
of Babylon, setting
the captives of his people free just as the old king
Cyrus had done when he
overthrew Babylon in the past, see 2Chr.36:22; Ezr.1:1;
Is.2:1-4; Mic.4:1-8; Zec.2:4-8; Zec.8:1-23; Rev.21:23-27.
God is going to bring again the captivity of his
people (those that have an ear
to hear what the Spirit saith) as declared by Elijah (Lamb)
from his written
Word (Seven Seals Scroll), see Eze.37:16-28;
Jer.29:10-14; Is.11:12,13;
54:7; 66:15-24; Hos.8:8-10; Joel 3:1-21; Mic.2:12,13;
4:6,12; Zeph.2:1-3;
3:13-20; Zec.10:8-12.
Judah and all the refugees returned after the 70 years
of Jer.25:12. The
kingdom of Medo/Persia (which overthrew Babylon)
ended the 70
years of Jeremiahs prophecy, and also ended the 390
year prophecy
of Eze.4:5. Cyrus of old allowed all refugees to return
to their own
The types (examples) of the past reveal the
future fulfillment of Gods written
Word. The gathering of Israel (which to this day has
yet to be fulfilled) in the
latter days is fulfilled by the Great Multitude who are
gathered into the New
Jerusalem during the Sixth Seal, see Rev.7:9,14. The
gathering of Judah in
the latter days is fulfilled by the Firstfruits (Fellowservants
and 144,000)
who are Sealed with the knowledge of Present Truth (Seven
Seals) before
the Sixth Seal. The restoration of Jerusalem and the
rebuilding of her temple
in the latter days is fulfilled through the Chosen Vessel
of the Lamb.
The Brides children are the Firstfruits. The
Bride (New Jerusalem) was
the first group to be gathered in the latter days by the
Lamb. The Lamb
who came in the latter days (our day) restored the
spiritual Jerusalem
and her spiritual temple by gathering his Bride (followers).
the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride restores the
spiritual land
of Judah by gathering the Firstfruits before the Sixth
Seal. At the time
of the Kingdom of God (Sixth Seal), the restoring
of the spiritual land
of Israel (ten tribes; being represented by Ephraim)
is fulfilled when
the Great Multitude (Ephraim; ten tribes) returns
to Gods Kingdom
New Jerusalem.
Eze.4: 6
And when thou hast accomplished them,
lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt
bear the iniquity of the house of Judah
forty days: I have appointed thee each day
for a year.
After lying upon his left side for 390 days for the
sins (iniquities) of the
house of Israel (ten tribes; Ephraim). Ezekiel (type
of the Lamb; Rod,
of Eze.7:10) must turn upon his right side for
another 40 days to bear
the iniquity of Judah. Ezekiel is doing this before the
clay tile that had
Jerusalem portrayed upon it.
The 40 days represent the 40 years which remained of
the 70 year prophecy,
see Jer.25:11. 30 years had already passed from the time
first invaded Jerusalem. Jerusalem was left desolate for
40 years after the
third Invasion when the temple was destroyed by
Nebuchadnezzar, see
The 70 year prophecy ended when Cyrus (type of the
Lamb, see
Rev.6:12-17; Sixth Seal) overthrew Babylon and
allowed all fugitives
to return to their own lands. Cyrus of the past typifies
the latter day
Lamb who gathers all his people (spiritual twelve
tribes) back to
the Kingdom of God; becoming one kingdom again under the
of the latter day David (Lamb of God; the Word made
Having an understanding of the historical events
written of in the Bible allows
the latter day prophecies to be understood. The Seven
Seals Revelation is
understood through the past people and events which are
recorded in
scripture. Jerusalem rejected Ezekiel, Jeremiah and all
the Prophets.
The Christian leaderships of today (who are
typified by old Jerusalem) listen
to their own prophets who know not the Revelation of the
Seven Seals. Only
the Lamb can reveal the mysteries which are locked (sealed)
in the pages of
In the past Jeremiah and Ezekiel warned the rebellious
people that
Nebuchadnezzar (type of the Sixth Seal in Eze.9)
would destroy
their city Jerusalem. In the latter days the warning was
given by the
Lamb (Elijah messenger of Mal.4:5) as it is now
given by the Chosen
Vessel, of the coming destruction from the Almighty. The
great and
dreadful day of the Lord (Sixth Seal) is typified
by Nebuchadnezzar
destroying Jerusalem as God prophesied he would.
At the Sixth Seal the Great Christian Nation (who
rejected and killed the
Lamb and will also reject and kill the Chosen Vessel)
shall become
desolate; just as Nebuchadnezzar desolated Jerusalem and
her temple
in the past with fire. In the past Jerusalem rejected
Gods Word by the
Prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah, among others. Today the
Lamb has been
rejected by Christendom; as Christendom listens to its
own prophets that
only prophesy smooth (good) things to her, just as
the false prophets of
Jerusalem did, see Jer.2:8,26; 5:12,13,31; 14:13-15;
23:9-30; 26:7-13;
27:9,13-22; 29:8-10; 37:19; Eze.13:2-8; 22:25-28.
Eze.4: 7
Therefore thou shalt set thy face toward
the siege of Jerusalem, and thine arm shall
be uncovered, and thou shalt prophesy
against it.
Ezekiel of the past typifies the latter day Lamb.
Ezekiel prophesied against
Jerusalem (typifying the Great Christian Nation)
that was portrayed
(written) upon the clay tablet ( type of the
Lambs scroll). The Lamb
with his scroll uncovers (unseals) his arm (that
holds the scroll) to reveal
the written prophecies which shall be fulfilled upon the
Great Christian
Nation, see Ps.45:4; Is.22:21; 26:11; 28:2; 40:10;
41:10,13,20; 45:1;
49:2; 51:17-23; 62:8; 66:14; Jer.6:12; 15:6; 16:21;
25:15-18; Eze.9:1,2;
Hab.3:4; Rev.5:1.
Christendom rejects the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel who
are sent by God;
just as Jerusalem of old rejected and killed the Prophets
sent by God. The
judgment that was pronounced upon Jerusalem which was
fulfilled in the past,
parallels the fulfillment of the latter day prophecies
upon Christendom. God
will set up the New Jerusalem upon the earth to gather
all his people (Great
Multitude) out of the modern day Babylon (Christendom).
Gods Kingdom shall overthrow Christendom just as
Cyrus the king of
Medo/Persia overthrew Babylon and allowed the captives to
return to
their own homelands, see Is.29:1-7; Zec.12:1-14. The Lamb
(type of
Cyrus) sets up the ensign (Kingdom; New Jerusalem)
being typified
by the events in Zechariahs day, where the people
of Judah were
allowed to return and rebuild the temple of God during
the reign of
Cyrus the Medo/Persian king. This represents the latter
day Lamb at
the Sixth Seal (Ezekiel 9:6; destruction of
Christendom) gathering
his people to the New Jerusalem (Promised Land).
Zechariah was the Prophet with Haggai who came back
from the captivity of
Judah (Firstfruits type) after the decree of Cyrus
(type of the Lamb) to
rebuild and restore Jerusalem (type of New Jerusalem)
unto the Messiah
the Prince (Cyrus; Lamb), see Dan.9:25. In the
first year of Cyrus (type
of the Lamb) king of the Medes and Persians (who
typify Gods army
of Saints) he made a decree (Seven Seals
Revelation) to rebuild and
restore Jerusalem (the Bride; New Jerusalem). The
70 years (one hour)
of Babylons (Christendoms) reign over
Judah (Firstfruits) and Jerusalem
(type of the Bride) were ended (Sixth Seal) by
Cyrus (the Lamb), see
Dan.9:1,2; Zec.7:1-5.
Eze.4: 8
And, behold, I will lay bands upon thee,
and thou shalt not turn thee from one side
to another, till thou hast ended the days of
thy siege.
Ezekiel is strapped down unable to move until the Word
of God is fulfilled.
Jerusalem received her judgments for a period of 70 years
as prophesied
by Jeremiah. The bands held Ezekiel while lying upon his
left side and then
while he laid upon his right side, for a total of 430
days until Gods Word
was fulfilled. Nebuchadnezzar laid siege around Jerusalem
while Jeremiah
was preaching from within her walls.
From the time of Jerusalems destruction there
remained 40 years of rest
(Sabbath) for the whole land, even Jerusalem. At the
end of the 40 years
(symbolized by the 40 days of Ezekiel lying on his
right side) Cyrus
overthrew Babylon. Thereafter, Cyrus made a decree to
allow all captives
to return unto their homelands. Cyrus the Medo/Persian
king ended the
70 year reign of Babylon over Judah. From the time of the
first invasion
by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon until the Medo/Persian
overthrew Babylon (by Cyrus the great) 70 years
had passed.
Ezekiel was tied down with bands for 430 days, meaning
Gods Word will
be fulfilled, see Eze.4:5,6. Gods Word shall be
fulfilled upon the nation
(Christians) that rejected the words of the Lamb
and the Chosen Vessel
who were sent to warn the people (Christians) of
God. The Lord shall
execute judgment upon them because they hearken not unto
the words of
the Seven Seals.
The Lamb was sent before the great and dreadful day of
the Lord to warn the
people of the Sixth Seal. Ezekiel and Jeremiah wrote
concerning Jerusalem
(typifying the latter day Christians), warning
them to listen to Gods Word
and repent of their evil ways, and God would repent
himself of the evil that
he thought to do unto her. However, Gods rebellious
people would not obey
the voice of God, therefore destruction came upon the
rebellious hypocrites.
Eze.4: 9
Take thou also unto thee wheat, and
barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet,
and fitches, and put them in one vessel,
and make thee bread thereof, according to
the number of the days that thou shalt lie
upon thy side, three hundred and ninety
days shalt thou eat thereof.
And thy meat which thou shalt eat shall
be by weight, twenty shekels a day: from
time to time shalt thou eat it.
Thou shalt drink also water by measure,
the sixth part of an hin: from time to time
shalt thou drink.
And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and
thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh
out of man, in their sight.
The wheat, barley, beans, lentiles, millet, fitches (spelt),
are the six grains of
food which were mixed together to make barley cakes.
Ezekiel was to mix in
also the excrement of humans, then bake it all as barley
cakes. The barley
cakes were a sign that the children of Israel had
believed on defiled (false)
doctrine. Israel (ten tribes) went into captivity
and while they were in
captivity they ate defiled (false) bread (doctrine),
because no more
Prophets were sent to Israel.
There are six grains of good food mixed in with the
defiled excrement of mans
own waste, making the barley cakes defiled. The six
grains of wheat, barley,
beans, lentiles, millet, fitches (spelt),
represent the Word of God to the
Prophets. The dung (excrement; Abomination) of man
is mixed in with
the six grains (Word of God). The dung is
mans interpretation of Gods
Word which is written in the Lambs scroll.
The Prophet Ezekiel and the Prophet Jeremiah (and
all of Gods Prophets)
had to deal with the false prophets (dung) that
used the writings (grains) of
the past Prophets (Moses and others). The
interpretations given by false
prophets are represented as barley cakes (Gods
Word) mixed with human
excrement (mans interpretations).
The word of Ezekiel and Jeremiah represented the
undefiled Word of God that
did not have mans interpretation (excrement)
mixed in with Gods prophetic
Word. Ezekiel, typifying the Lamb, ate Gods
undefiled scroll, see Eze.3:1-3,14;
Rev.10:10. The Lamb of God manifested in the latter days
to reveal the mystery
of the sealed scroll (roll). Only the Lamb and the
Chosen Vessel can reveal
Gods revealed Truth without it being mixed with
mans excrement.
The Lamb gave his Reward unto the Chosen Vessel. The
Chosen Vessel has
eaten the undefiled scroll (Hidden Manna of Rev.2:17)
being typified by the
Apostle John in Rev.10:8-11. The Chosen Vessel with the
Remaining Bride
must repeat (prophesy again) the Elijah warning
which was prophesied by
the Lamb before the Sixth Seal (great and dreadful day
of the Lord). The
Sixth Seal is the anti-type of Jerusalems (type
of Great Christian Nation)
destruction in the past.
The Lamb is the Word made flesh. Therefore the Lamb is
the bread (Manna)
of life that came down from heaven. The Remaining Bride
who is in the spiritual
wilderness (see Rev.12:6,14) eats the spiritual
Manna (Little Scroll); typifying
the manna that God gave the Israelites during the 40
years in the wilderness
while they journeyed to the Promised Land (type of
Gods Kingdom). The
Lambs Seven Seals Mystery which is hidden in the
scroll is undefiled. The
Lamb revealed the meaning of the words and conclusion of
the prophecies,
that were written on one side of the scroll.
The Christians eat their defiled bread (Word of God
interpreted by the false
prophets; ministers of Christendom) instead of the
Lambs scroll which he
revealed by opening (unsealing) the Seven Seals.
The Lambs Bride received
the Little Help (Little Scroll) which she has
eaten, see Rev.10:8-11. The
Lambs Bride has received the undefiled Word (Present
Truth) of God
from the Chosen Messenger who has nourished the Remaining
Bride with
the Hidden Manna (Little Scroll of Rev.10:2), see
Israel had to eat defiled (false doctrine)
bread (Gods Word) until the end of
390 years. At the end of the 390 years Cyrus overthrew
Babylon. The people
chose to eat the defiled bread as they would not listen
to Ezekiel and Jeremiah
(Lamb and Chosen Vessel types). Had the people of
God listened to the
Prophets, then they would not have eaten bread
(Gods Word) mixed with
mans excrement (interpretations).
In the latter days the Lamb came with his Reward (Seven
Seals) to the
Christians. The leadership of Christendom refused to
hearken unto the
words of the Lamb (typifying old Israel and Judah who
would not
listen to the Prophets). Therefore, the Christians
will eat their defiled
bread until the Sixth Seal (setting up of Gods
The Christians of today parallel Israel (ten
tribes) who ate defiled bread until
the end (type of Sixth Seal) of the 390 years, see
Eze.4:5. The 390 years
began when Israel departed from Judah; the 390 years
ended with the
destruction of Babylon by Cyrus (type of the Lamb
setting up the Kingdom
New Jerusalem). Judah had been eating defiled bread
for 40 years (from
the time the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed) when
they were deported
by Babylon. The 40 years of Eze.4:6, the 70 years of
Jer.25:11, and the
390 years all ended at the same time when Cyrus overthrew
and allowed the captives to go free.
The vision that was shown to John in Rev.18:2 (which
states Babylon is
fallen, is fallen) is the latter day parallel of the
destruction of Babylon by
Cyrus (Cyrus of the past typifies the latter day Lamb
who overthrows
Babylon in the latter days).
In Rev.18:4, after the fall of Babylon (Christendom),
the last warning is given:
Come out of her (Babylon) my (Cyrus) people
(Great Multitude), typifying
Cyrus of old who made the decree which allowed all
captives to return to their
homeland. The latter day Cyrus (Lamb; Koresh)
allows the captives (who
want to flee from latter day Babylon) to return to
the Kingdom New
Amos 8:11, Behold, the days come,
saith the Lord God, that I will send a
famine in the land (Christendom), not a famine of
bread (as it was in the
destruction of old Jerusalem), nor a thirst for
water, but of hearing the
words of the Lord:
The six grains of Eze.4:9 combined with the Lamb (bread
of life) equals
seven (complete), as he is the Word made flesh.
The six grains and the
Lamb combined is the Revelation of the scroll (Word of
God) fulfilled
(seven is complete).
Ezekiel (type of the Lamb) ate the sweet (honey;
light) and bitter (butter;
dark) scroll typifying the Lamb of Is.7:14-16, who
nourished a young (little)
cow (scroll) and two sheep (male and female
Lamb written on each side
of the scroll, see Is.7:21,22).
Jer.15:16, Thy
(Gods) words (scroll
of Rev.10:8-10) were found
and I did eat (Hidden
Manna) them; and thy word
(bread) was unto me the
joy (sweet) and
rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name
Israel), O LORD GOD of hosts.
Jer.15:17, I
sat not in the assembly of the mockers (typifying
the Christians),
nor rejoiced; I sat alone because
of thy hand (revealed word that he ate): for
thou has filled me (after eating the sweet word
in Jer.15:16) with indignation
(bitterness; the sweet and bitter Revelation of the
Jn.1:1, In the
beginning (creation) was
the Word (spoken words), and
the Word (spoken) was
with God (Elohiym; Father and Mother see
Gen.l:l-31), and the word
(spoken) was God (Gods
Word is the
expression of Elohiym).
Jn.1:14, And
the word (spoken) was
made flesh (given a body) and dwelt
among us, (humans) and
we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only
begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
Jn.6:48, I
(Christ) am that bread
(manna) of life (the
words of the Prophets
made flesh).
Jn.6:49,50,51, Your
fathers did eat manna (physical food) in the wilderness,
and are dead. This (himself; Christ) is the bread (spiritual Manna)
cometh down from heaven (Angel of Rev.10:1), that a man may eat thereof
(Hidden Manna of Rev.2:17) and
not die. I am the living bread (spiritual
food) which came down from
heaven: if any man eat of this bread (scroll of
Rev.10:9-11; Eze.3:1; Is.7:15,22; Jer.15:16), he shall live forever: and the
bread (spiritual food) that I will give is my flesh (sacrifice)
which I will give
for the life (redeemed) of the world.
Rev.14:1, And I
(John) looked, and,
lo, a Lamb (Man-child) stood on the
Mount Sion (Kingdom New Jerusalem), and with him an hundred forty and
four thousand, having his (spiritual males
symbolized as the twelve sons of
Israel) Fathers name
(the new surname of Koresh, as they have eaten of
the Hidden Manna of Rev.2:17) written
(knowledge) in their
(minds; memories).
And the Lord said, Even thus shall the
children of Israel eat their defiled bread
among the Gentiles, whither I will drive
The children of Israel ate their defiled (false
doctrine) bread (Word of God)
from the time they departed from Judah, until 390 years
passed; the 390 years
ended when Cyrus overthrew Babylon. The ten tribes (Ephraim;
Multitude) who ate defiled bread for 390 years
typifies Christendom.
The people of Christendom eat their defiled bread (abominable
until the latter day Cyrus (Lamb) overthrows
latter day Babylon, see
Rev.18:2,4. Cyrus (Lamb) brings again spiritual
Judah (144,000) and
spiritual Israel (Great Multitude) as one Kingdom.
Gods Kingdom is
the anti-type of the past united kingdom of Israel under
the reign of
king David.
David of old is a type of the latter day David (Beloved;
Cyrus) who gathers
and unites the Kingdom of God at the Sixth Seal.
Therefore spiritual Israel
(Great Multitude; Ephraim) will eat their defiled (bread)
Word of God,
until the setting up of Gods Kingdom that shall
never be destroyed or given
to others, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.
Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, my
soul hath not been polluted: for from my
youth up even till now have I not eaten
of that which dieth of itself, or is torn in
pieces; neither came there abominable
flesh into my mouth.
Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee
cows dung for mans dung, and thou shalt
prepare thy bread therewith.
The thought of Ezekiel eating barley cakes mixed with
mans excrement
(dung) was unbearable for Ezekiel. God allowed
Ezekiel to substitute
mans excrement for cows excrement; Ezekiel
faithfully complied to the
Word of God.
Moreover he said unto me, Son of man,
behold, I will break the staff of bread in
Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by
weight, and with care; and they shall
drink water by measure, and with
That they may want bread and water,
and be astonied one with another, and
consume away for their iniquity.
God is going to break (take away) the staff (Rod;
Seven Seals) of bread
(scroll of Eze.3:1; Amos 8:11; Is.7:21,22; Jer.15:16,17).
The staff
represents the Rod that budded, see Eze.7:7,10. Ezekiel
typifies the Lamb
who appears with the sweet and bitter scroll, which is
the Word (bread)
of God.
The Rod represents the Lamb who was chosen from the
people to declare the
Seven Seals Scroll (bread). The budding of
Aarons Rod in Num.17:8, was a
sign of whom God had chosen as High Priest among the
people. In the latter
days the Lamb who reveals the Seven Seals Revelation is
the Elijah messenger.
The great and dreadful day of the Lord is fulfilled
when the Spirit and
experience of the Lamb (after he is killed and
resurrects) returns to
Michael. Michael then stands up in Dan.12:1, which begins
the great
time of trouble against the ancients (rejecters of
Present Truth) who
turned their noses up at Gods Rod (Chosen
Vessel) that budded; see
Is.27:6,8; 55:10,11; Eze.7:10.
In the latter days the staff (Rod; Lamb) was
cut down and removed. The
Chosen Vessel (Rod; female Lamb) will also be cut
down and removed,
see Rev.11:3,7. Christ 2,000 years ago was also cut down
and removed
(Rod that budded; image of the Lamb). The Rod that
blossomed in
Ezekiels day was Jeremiah (Gods Rod)
who was within the walls of
Jerusalem prior to the final destruction of Jerusalem,
and the burning of
her temple (sanctuary).
Ezekiel was prophesying the same word which Jeremiah
was prophesying
concerning Jerusalem, before the final destruction of
Jerusalem. Babylon laid
siege against Jerusalem causing a literal famine of bread
and water. In the
latter days the famine is of Gods Word. Few will
eat of Gods Hidden
Manna (Seven Seals), causing a spiritual famine of
Present Truth. The
rebellious eat their own flesh (false doctrine)
and the flesh (theories)
of man (false prophets).
Eze.5: 3
Thou shalt also take thereof a few in
number, and bind them in thy skirts.
The few in NUMBER represent the number of the 144,000
who are Sealed
before the great and dreadful day of the Lords
anger (Sixth Seal). At the
time of Ezekiel there was a remnant who were bound in the
skirt of Ezekiel,
representing those who followed Present Truth. The latter
day Bride of the
Lamb also gathers a Remnant who are the Firstfruits (Fellowservants
144,000) unto the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel. The
Remnant represents
the seed (children) of the woman (Bride) who
received the knowledge of
the Seven Seals.
God always has a remnant of Present Truth believers in
every generation, see
Is.l:9; 1Kin.19:18; Is.10:20; Jer.23:3. The few in number
symbolizes the one
wave loaf of Firstfruits, being the 144,000 of Rev.7:4,
who are Sealed before
the destruction of Christendom (Sixth Seal). The
144,000 are the remainder
(Remnant) of the womans seed who are not
killed, see Rev.11:13; 12:17.
The Great Multitude (spiritual ten tribes) are
symbolized in Zec.8:23 as
those who take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew:
spiritual Judah (the
144,000). Those who are bound, typify the 144,000 who
are Sealed
before the four winds (whirlwind; Sixth Seal) are
let loose, see Rev.7:1-3.
The Fellowservants (Firstfruits) are to be killed
with the Remaining Bride,
therefore they are not the Remnant that remain alive,
see Rev.6:11.
Eze.6: 3
And say, ye mountains of Israel, hear the
word of the Lord God
The seven mountains (seven capitals) in the
land of Palestine were divided
into seven lots. In the southern portion of Palestine,
Jerusalem was the
mountain (capital; head) which had the tribes of
Judah and Benjamin
under her control.
Josh.18:6, Ye
shall therefore describe the land (Canaan;
Palestine) into
SEVEN parts (seven mountains; seven heads).
Is.7:9, And the
HEAD (mountain) of
Ephraim is Samaria, and the HEAD
(mountain) of Samaria is
Remaliahs son. If you will not believe, surely ye
shall not be established.
Is.4:1, And in
that day SEVEN women (mountains of Israel;
seven divided
lots of Palestine; latter day Christendom) shall take hold of one man (the
Lamb; Immanuel in Is.7:14) saying,
we will eat our own bread (the seven
women, being the seven mountains, do not want the food of
the Lambs
Seven Seals bitter sweet scroll of Is.7:21,22) and wear our own apparel
(their own covering; self-righteousness; type of the
Laodiceans in
Rev.3:18; they do not want the wool clothing of the two
lambs): only
let us be called by thy name (Israel;
Christians), to take away our
reproach (sins).
Rev.17:9, And
here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads
seven heads of the Beast, see Rev.13:1; seven lots of the
land of
Palestine, see Josh.18:6) are
seven mountains (the seven lots that
were divided in Josh.18:6 are the seven capitals (women)
of the
tribes (horns on the Beast in Rev. 13:1, are typified as
tribes); the
two horns (tribes) out of the head (lamb-like Beast) of
are Judah and Benjamin. Jerusalem is one of the seven
Jerusalem did sit upon all the land (mountains) of Israel
Israel was united in the days of king David of old, see
There are only ten horns on the seven heads of the
Beast in Rev.13:1,
because Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh lived
outside the
Promised Land (seven lots). There are thirteen
tribes (horns) including
Manasseh and Ephraim. Two and a half of these tribes (Reuben;
and half of Manasseh) did not receive an inheritance
within the Promised
Land. Also Levi did not receive an inheritance in the
Promised Land, as
they had the priesthood. Therefore if you deduct Reuben,
Gad, half of
Manasseh and Levi from the thirteen tribes (horns),
there remains ten
tribes (horns) in the seven lots (seven
mountains; seven heads)
including the other half of Manasseh, see Josh.18:6,7.
Therefore there
are only ten horns (tribes) that are upon the
seven heads (seven lots)
of the Beast, see Rev.13:1.
The three horns that were plucked up by the roots
symbolize the lands of
Gad, Reuben and Manasseh. At the time when Babylon
uprooted the three
horns, the land of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh was occupied
by Edom,
Moab and Ammon whom Nebuchadnezzar uprooted, see Dan.7:8.
Eze.6: 8
Yet will I leave a remnant, that ye may
have some that shall escape the sword
among the nations, when ye shall be
scattered through the countries.
The remnant are the same people who were bound in the
skirt of Ezekiel.
The remnant received Present Truth and had the mark (Seal
of God)
placed upon them by Ezekiel (type of the Lamb, see
Rev.7:2-4). The
remnant symbolize the 144,000 who receive the Seal of God
before the
Sixth Seal.
The remnant (type of the 144,000) in Eze.6:8
were spared from the sword
(type of the Sixth Seal) to declare Gods
Word unto the nations (type of the
Great Multitude). Ezekiel was in Babylonian captivity
and Jeremiah was in
the city of Jerusalem prior to Nebuchadnezzar destroying (type
of the Sixth
Seal) Jerusalem (type of Great Christian Nation).
Therefore Ezekiel
prophesied the things Jeremiah would literally fulfill
within Jerusalem.
The scenario of the past is a type of the latter
fulfillment when the Bride gathers
the 144,000 (Firstfruits) and Seals them with the
knowledge of Present Truth
to stand during the Sixth Seal, see Rev.6:12-17; Rev.9:4;
Eze.7: 2
Also, thou son of man, thus saith the Lord
God unto the land of Israel; An (the)
the end is come upon the four corners of
the land.
The end, the end (stutter, of Is.28:11), came
upon Jerusalem and upon the
four corners of Palestine (land of Israel). This
is fulfilled in the latter days by
the Four Angels (Lamb; Man-child) who are standing
on the four corners
of the earth (the whole land of the earth) at the
Sixth Seal, which brings
an end (Babylon is fallen is fallen) to the
Abomination (false beliefs) of
Christendom. The Kingdom of Cyrus (Lamb)
overthrows the Babylonian
latter day governments.
Just as the end came upon the four corners of
Palestine (Israel), the Four
Angels (who are standing on the four corners of the
whole earth, see
Rev.7:1) will bring down all the Babylonian (Christian)
governments. Cyrus
(the Lamb: Four Riders: Four Angels) will reign
upon the throne of David
(Beloved). The Lamb shall gather his people (Great
Multitude) from the four
corners of the earth and they shall become one Kingdom in
the hand of latter
day David, see Jer.30:9, Eze.34:23; Hos.3:5; Zec.12:7-12.
Eze.7: 7
The morning is come unto thee, O thou that
dwellest in the land: the time is come, the day
of trouble is near, and not the sounding again
of the mountains.
The morning that came unto Jerusalem in the past, was
the Word of God at
the mouth of Ezekiel and Jeremiah. When the morning (Word
of God) had
budded (the Elijah warning) it was a sign of the
day of trouble being near
for Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem and her
temple at the
Word of God, because the rebellious people would not
listen to Ezekiel or
Once the end came upon Jerusalem and upon the four
corners of Palestine,
there was no sounding of the mountains (lands) of
Israel (people) because
they were taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar. The
Sixth Seal destruction
comes upon those who have rejected the Lamb and the
Chosen Vessels
Seven Seals Revelation. The Lamb and the Chosen Vessel
are typified by
Ezekiel and Jeremiahs words which warned Jerusalem
to hearken unto the
Lord their God. Had the people listened, the wrath of the
Lord would have
turned from Jerusalem.
The Lamb came to the land (Great Christian Nation)
that is typified by old
Jerusalem, as the Elijah messenger of Mal.4:2,5. The
morning represents the
Lamb with the Seven Seals Scroll, who is called the Sun
of Righteousness in
Mal.4:2. The sun ascends from the east as it rises in the
morning, see Rev.7:2.
The Lamb (morning of Eze.7:7) is symbolized by the
Daily (daylight of
Dan.8:11; 9:26), the Bright and Morning Star of
Rev.22:16, and the lightning
(light) that cometh out of the east (sunrise;
morning) of Mt.24:27; Is.41:2;
46:11; Hab.3:3,4. The east (Persia) is the
direction from which king
Cyrus (type of the Lamb) came towards Palestine.
The Lamb (morning; Daily; Rod that budded) and
the Chosen Vessel sound
the last message before the great and dreadful day of the
Lord (Sixth Seal).
The sounding of Christendom (whole land of Babylon;
Christendom) shall
never be heard again when Gods Kingdom reigns. The
latter day Cyrus (the
Lamb) shall overthrow Babylon (Christendom) at
the Sixth Seal. WHO shall
be able to stand? Only the 144,000 (Remnant) shall
stand, having the
understanding of the Seven Seals in their foreheads (minds;
Eze.7: 8
Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee,
and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will
judge thee according to thy ways, and will
recompense thee for all thine abominations.
7: 9
And mine eye shall not spare, neither will I
have pity: I will recompense thee according
to thy ways and thine abominations that are
in the midst of thee; and ye shall know that
I am the LORD that smiteth.
God is shortly going to pour out his anger at the
Sixth Seal, see Rev.9:4,5,15;
Eze.9:4-7. As it happened to Jerusalem of old, so shall
the anger of the Lord
be upon the rebellious who reject the Seven Seals
Revelation (Rod that
budded) in the latter days. Gods eye shall not
spare hypocrites, neither will
he have pity on those who turn their nose up at the
Branch (Seven Seals)
which blossomed. When the Lamb revealed the Seven Seals (symbolizing
the budded Rod), this showed which vessel (body)
God had chosen to
place His Spirit within.
In the past God chose Aaron to be the High Priest by
making his Rod bud.
The same applies to the one who revealed the Seven Seals (budded
Mystery (which no man can do except the Lamb).
Therefore the one
who reveals the Mystery of the Seven Seals must be the
Lamb of God;
showing that his Rod (vessel) is the Rod God chose
to be the vessel of
Truth, amongst the other rods (vessels). The Lamb
gives his Reward
(Seven Seals) unto the Chosen Vessel, then the
Remaining Bride
prophesies again.
Behold the day, behold, it is come: the
morning is gone forth; the rod hath
blossomed, pride hath budded.
The day that comes is the morning (daylight).
The Sun of Righteousness is
Cyrus (type of the Lamb) who ascends from the east
(Persia). When the
Lamb revealed the Seven Seals Revelation (Hidden
Manna) the churches
(Christian) became proud because his (the
Lambs) Rod (vessel) budded
(chosen), meaning he is the vessel (body)
God chose to reveal the Seven
Seals Mystery.
The rods (leadership) of Christendom bud in
pride, meaning they are too
proud to accept the vessel through whom God has chosen to
reveal his
mystery (Seven Seals). The Christian leaders (rods)
turned up their noses
against the Rod of the Lamb that blossomed, implying that
the Rod which
blossomed stinks. The leaders of Christendom represent
the ancients
(elders) of Eze.9:6.
The sword is without, and the pestilence
and the famine within: he that is in the
field shall die with the sword; and he that
is in the city, famine and pestilence shall
devour him.
Jerusalem of old suffered literal famine and
pestilence by rejecting the word
of Ezekiel and Jeremiah. The sword that was outside (without)
of Jerusalem
was the literal sword of Babylon, and the sword within
Jerusalem represented
the famine which was pronounced by Gods Word (sword)
against the
hypocritical nation. The great and dreadful day of the
Lord (Sixth Seal) in
the latter days is typified by the past destruction of
Jerusalem by
Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
The famine in the latter days is the refusal to hear
the Word (Present Truth)
of God (Revelation of the Seven Seals).
Christendom rejects the Lamb and
the Chosen Vessel, though the Bride gathers a Remnant who
shall not die,
being the 144,000 who receive the Hidden Manna (Seven
Seals). The
sword (fulfillment of Gods Word) of the
Sixth Seal is in the hands of
the men (Destroying Angels) who come from the
higher gate (Gods
throne; New Jerusalem), see Eze.9:1,2; Is.13:3-5;
Joel 2:1-11;
Rev.9:2-21; Rev.7:1; Eze.37:1-14.
But they that escape of them shall escape,
and shall be on the mountains like doves of
the valleys, all of them mourning, every one
for his iniquity.
In the latter days God will have a Remnant (144,000)
who shall escape the
sword of the Sixth Seal, just as the remnant who was
bound in the skirt of
Ezekiel escaped the sword of Nebuchadnezzar during the
destruction of
Jerusalem. The Remnant in the latter days are the 144,000
who escape the
sword of the Destroying Angels by having Gods mark (Seal)
in their
foreheads (minds; memories).
The 144,000 will see the time of trouble (five
months of Rev.9:5), but they
(Remnant) will not be harmed during the great and
dreadful day of Gods
anger. During the Sixth Seal fulfillment the 144,000 will
mourn because of
their past sins though they are saved (Sealed).
As for the beauty of his ornament, he set
it in majesty: but they made the images of
their abominations and of their detestable
things therein: therefore have I set it far
from them.
And I will give it into the hands of the
strangers for a prey, and to the wicked
of the earth for a spoil; and they shall
pollute it.
The ornament of God which God set in majesty, is the
sanctuary (temple) that
was set in Jerusalem. The sanctuary was set within the
majesty of queen
Jerusalem (queen of heaven, Jer.7:18). Gods
sanctuary was as a precious
jewel (ornament) in the midst of Jerusalem.
The leaders of the people made detestable images (idol
worshippers) of their
abominations (false ceremonies) because they
refused the Word (Present
Truth) of God. The leaders of Jerusalem continued
worshipping in Gods
temple where the ark of the covenant was, which made them
idol worshippers.
By rejecting Gods Word (Present Truth) and
carrying on with the Levitical
Laws of sacrifices, God saw their offering of sacrifices
as an Abomination.
Those who reverenced the furniture (ark of gold;
altar of gold; brasen altar;
seven lamp candlestick) of the sanctuary (temple)
were idolaters. In the latter
days the leadership of Christendom (anti-type of
Jerusalem) have rejected the
Seven Seals (Rod that budded) and they have placed
their abominations (false
doctrine) and detestable things in the place (temple;
sanctuary) of where the
Seven Seals knowledge should be. The Christians have an
Abomination written
in their minds (temple).
Nebuchadnezzar was sent to Jerusalem to defile the
sanctuary of God, as the
abominations of the people were practiced in the holy
place (sanctuary). The
Sixth Seal is the cleansing of the sanctuary, see
Dan.8:9-14; 9:26; Mt.24:15;
as these verses show the Daily (Messiah; Seven
Seals; budded Rod; High
Priest) being removed and the Abomination (false
worship) being placed in
the spiritual sanctuary (temple) of the
peoples minds.
The Revelation of the Seven Seals should be in the
minds (temples) of the
Christians; instead they have an Abomination (false
worship) written in their
minds (sanctuary; temple). At the Sixth Seal the
sanctuary of the peoples
minds shall be cleansed when they see the Kingdom of God.
My face will I turn also from them, and
they shall pollute my secret place: for the
robbers shall enter into it, and defile it.
Gods secret place is within the sanctuary being
the holy of holies (holy place
and most holy place). Jerusalem is the woman (virgin
daughter) and the
sanctuary is symbolized as the womb of Jerusalem. Only
the High Priest can
enter into the holy of holies of the sanctuary; symbolic
of the High Priest
(Christ; Lamb) being the husband of Jerusalem (Bride).
The robbers
(Babylon) shall defile her (Jerusalem)
sanctuary (womb) by raping her
of her virginity (taking away the treasures of
Gods house). Jerusalem
of old was left polluted in her blood. At the Sixth Seal,
God will defile the
great whore (Great Christian Nation) and burn her
with fire (as old
Jerusalem was judged by her own deeds), for God shall
her ways upon her own head, see Is.13:3-6,16.
Eze.8: 5
Then he said unto me, Son of man, lift up
thine eyes now the way toward the north.
So I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the
north, and behold northward at the gate of
the altar this image of jealousy in the entry.
Ezekiel looks northward to the land of Israel. Israel (ten
tribes) had their
own temple which was situated in Samaria. At the entrance
of the temple in
Samaria was an image of jealousy. The people of Israel
who sacrificed
animals at the altar (brasen altar) were jealous
of the temple sacrifices
that were performed in Jerusalems temple.
Type Of The Lamb (continued).......

Hidden Manna, PO Box
789, Jesup GA. 31598