1Kings 19:16
And Elisha the son of Shaphat of
Abelmeholah shalt thou
anoint to be prophet in thy room.

2Kings 2: 1
And it came to pass, when the LORD
would take up Elijah into heaven by a
whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha
from Gilgal.

2: 9
And it came to pass, when they were
gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha,
Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be
taken away from thee. And Elisha said,
I pray thee, let a double portion of thy
spirit be upon me.

And he said, Thou hast asked a hard
thing: nevertheless, if thou see me
when I am taken from thee, it shall
be so unto thee; but if not, it shall
not be so.

And it came to pass, as they still went
on, and talked, that, behold, there
appeared a chariot of fire, and horses
of fire, and parted them both asunder;
and Elijah went up by a whirlwind
into heaven.

And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My
father, my father, the chariot of Israel,
and the horsemen thereof. And he saw
him no more: and he took hold of his
own clothes, and rent them in two

He took up also the Mantle of Elijah
that fell from him, and went back,
and stood by the bank of Jordan;

The Elijah who is mentioned in Mal.4:5 represents the last messenger that is
sent before the great and dreadful day of God’s anger. The messenger that
has the title of Elijah in the latter days is the latter day Man-child of Rev.12:5,
being the Sun of Righteousness who is mentioned in Mal.4:2. The Man-child
(Elijah) is the Lamb who received the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll in
Rev.5:7, and comes to the earth as stated in Rev.22:12. The Seven Seals
Scroll is the Lamb’s Reward, being the double edge sword (two sided scroll)
see Rev.2:12, and 19:15.

The mighty Angel (Elijah messenger) of Rev.10:1 is seen coming down from
heaven having in his hand a Little Book (scroll) open. The scroll (Little Book)
was in the Right Hand of the one that sat upon the throne, see Rev.5:1. The
Elijah messenger is the Word of God (prophecy) made into flesh. He comes
with his Reward (scroll) to gather his Bride, being those who receive the
Seven Seals Revelation. The latter day Lamb gathered his Bride by showing
her the prophecies that are written on one side of the scroll, which pertained
unto himself.

The Elijah of old, having the power of God’s Word, could prevent the
rain from falling upon the people. The same pertains to the latter day Elijah (Man-child) who also has the power of God’s Word, and can stop the
spiritual rain of God’s Word from falling upon those who put the branch
(God’s revealed Word of Jer.1:11,12; Eze.7:10; 8:17)
of the Seven
Seals Revelation to their nose.

To put the Branch to the nose is saying that the scroll (Word of God being
stinks, therefore they will have no rain (Present Truth) upon them;
the rain being the revealed doctrine of God, (see Deut.32:1,2) given by God
to his Chosen Messenger (the Rod that budded).

The Elijah messenger is to be killed by the Dragon Beast of Babylon, see
Dan.8:10,11; 9:26; 8:25; 11:22,31. The Man-child (Elijah) is caught up
unto God, typifying Elijah who was also taken up, see Rev.12:5, which
reveals the Elijah messenger of Mal.4:5. In the prophecy of Mal.4:5, God
uses the title of the past Elijah so that by understanding the past types of the
old Elijah, prophecies that relate unto the latter day Elijah (Man-child) may
be understood. The Elijah messenger is taken up as old Elijah was, as can
be seen in the latter day fulfillment of the Man-child who is also caught up
unto God after his death.

The Mantle of old Elijah was passed unto his successor, Elisha. The same
scenario applies in the latter days, as the Man-child (Elijah messenger)
is seen in Rev.10:8 giving his scroll (Elijah’s Mantle) unto the Apostle
John (Chosen Vessel; Elisha). The latter day Man-child (Lamb; Elijah
gives his scroll unto the Chosen Messenger, being one who
followed the latter day Man-child (as represented by the Apostle John
who followed Christ).
Therefore, the latter day Lamb (Elijah messenger)
gives his scroll unto the Chosen Vessel; typified by Elijah of the past anointing
Elisha (see 1Kin.19:16) and then Elijah passing onto Elisha his Mantle.

Elijah was taken up into heaven. The Man-child was also caught up to heaven.
The latter day Lamb that came with his Seven Seals Scroll prophesied the
things that pertained unto himself gathering his Bride. The Lamb (Elijah) is
the manifestation of what is written on the one side of the scroll in Rev.5:1,
being the early (former) rain of Joel 2:23.

The Chosen Messenger who is given the scroll (as was foretold in
Rev.10:8-10, where John receives the scroll)
is typified by the
Elisha of old who received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. This
means that the Chosen Messenger (who receives the Little Scroll
after the death of the Lamb)
has a double portion of the Lamb’s

The Chosen Messenger possesses the understanding of the former rain
(prophecies relating unto the Lamb written on one side of the scroll)
as well as the understanding of the latter rain (prophecies relating unto
the Remaining Bride),
showing that the Chosen Messenger (type of old
can reveal the other side of the scroll which relates unto the
Remaining Bride’s destiny.

The Chosen Messenger now has the Little Scroll (Little Help; Dan.11:34)
whereby the Remaining Bride can now be fed, see Rev.12:6,14. The Little
Scroll (Little Help) is the little (young) cow of Is.7:21. Therefore, the Chosen
Messenger has both the early rain (first Revelation) and the latter rain (last
of the double sided scroll of Rev.5:1. The Chosen Messenger
(type of Elisha)
received from the Lamb (type of Elijah messenger) the
understanding of all prophetic mysteries contained in the scroll.

The latter day Man-child (Elijah messenger) WAS to rule all nations with
his Rod of Iron (double edge sword; double edge scroll), and SHOULD
have finished the Mystery of God as stated in Rev.10:7, but did not.
According to prophecy, the Lamb (Elijah) was killed and then gave his
open scroll (Mantle) unto his Chosen Messenger (Elisha) before the
coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Sixth Seal).

The event of Elijah (latter day Lamb) giving the Mantle to Elisha (messenger
chosen from amongst the Lamb’s Remaining Bride)
, is the same scenario
as the Apostle John (type of Chosen Messenger) in Rev.10:8-10, receiving
the Seven Seals Scroll (Mantle) from the mighty Angel (Lamb; Elijah).

In Rev.11:3, it states that the Two Witnesses are given power to prophesy
for 1,260 days. Firstly, the Two Witnesses represent the Lamb and the
Chosen Vessel which are written upon each side of the scroll (two sided
scroll of Rev.5:1;
Little Scroll of Rev.10:2). The Two Witnesses (scroll
written of the Lamb and Chosen Vessel)
symbolize Elijah and Elisha of
the past, who typify the latter day Lamb and the Chosen Vessel.

In Rev.11:6, the Two Witnesses have power to stop the spiritual rain from
falling upon the people (grass of Is.40:6). If the Two Witnesses (Lamb and
the Chosen Vessel written on each side of the scroll)
do not prophesy
unto the people, then the spiritual rain (Present Truth) of heaven is stopped

The vessels which have the scroll (Two Witnesses) hidden within their
sackcloth (flesh) can cause the Revelation to be very bitter to the listener
if they so desire, causing them not to drink of the Water of Life by making
the water blood (bitter; dead), see Rev.11:6. Christ of 2,000 years ago
used bitter parables causing the non-believers to depart from following him.
Christ used bitter revelations to discern who was really a follower of his
Word, see Jn.6:53-66.

The latter day Elisha, being the Chosen Messenger who received the Little
Scroll from the Lamb’s hand (as seen in Rev.10:8-10), is first amongst the
Remaining Bride (equals). The Chosen Messenger received the Little Help
of Dan.11:34 (being the Little Scroll of Rev.10:2) before any of the others
amongst the Remaining Bride. Therefore, the Chosen Messenger (latter day
must feed the Remaining Bride with the Little Help (Little Scroll;
Hidden Manna)
, as shown in Rev.12:6,14.

Those of the Remaining Bride must prophesy again with the Chosen
Messenger, see Rev.10:11; 11:3. The woman (Bride) must gather the
Fellowservants who are to be killed with her (Bride), which fulfills the
Fifth Seal of Rev.6:11. The Bride must also scatter the seeds of Truth
to many (not all) nations, as the 144,000 must be ready for Sealing at
the resurrection of the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel, see Rev.7:2-4.

The Remaining Bride who was not killed by sword (gun shot) or by flame
(burnt to death)
as stated in Dan.11:33, are those who are in Babylonian
captivity (under Babylonian rule). Those of the Remaining Bride who are
captives of Babylon, must receive the Little Help (Song of Moses: Little
of Dan.11:34, by fleeing to the spiritual wilderness. The New Light
that the Chosen Messenger (Elisha Messenger) presents, will test and try
those of the Remaining Bride. Those who partake of the New Light (Hidden
will be made white when they fulfill the latter part of the Fifth Seal,
see Rev.6:11.

To not accept the Chosen Messenger’s Revelation, is to not accept the Little
Help of Dan.11:34. Those of the Remaining Bride who reject the Little Help,
have been tried and tested and have been found wanting. Those who will not
eat of the Little Scroll (Little Help) that was given unto the Chosen Messenger,
will spiritually die of hunger and be left wretched, poor, miserable, blind and

Those who accept the Little Help (Little Scroll) from the Chosen Messenger
(Elisha messenger) are those who are tried, purified and made white, see
Dan.11:35; 12:10. The wise virgins shall be fed with the Hidden Manna (which
is written on the opposite side of the scroll concerning the Remaining
Bride’s destiny),
as written in the prophecies of the Little Scroll.

The Remaining Bride receives the nourishment (manna) for 1,260 days (42
while in the spiritual wilderness; until she reaches the Promised Land.
She flees from the deception that is sitting in the place (minds of the people)
where the Seven Seals Revelation should be, see Rev.12:6,14. After the
Remaining Bride receives the food (manna; Little Help) from the Chosen
Messenger (Elisha messenger), she then must prophesy again, thereby
gathering the Firstfruits (Bride’s spiritual children) as it is written in the
words of the Prophets.

The Remaining Bride that received the Revelation from the Lamb personally,
and rejects the Chosen Messenger’s Revelation (who brings the Little Help
of Dan.11:34),
will have an Abomination (false doctrine) written in their
spiritual sanctuary (mind). The ancients (those of the living Bride who reject
the Little Help; being the elders of Eze.9:6)
are the first to receive the wrath
of God’s literal sword upon them. Those who reject the Little Help will have
shown unto God that they are not followers of revealed Truth, neither do they
desire to fulfill God’s Word, for they have a proud and rebellious heart.

God is not fooled by the words that come forth from those that profess to
believe in the Seven Seals Revelation. God is pleased and blesses those who
follow the Spirit of Prophecy as given to the Chosen Messenger who presents
the Little Help (Little Scroll). The Little Help is the understanding of the
prophecies that relate unto the Remaining Bride’s situation.

God will have a people that will stand on God’s revealed Word alone. Present
Truth is revealed through the latter day Elisha messenger unto the Remaining
Bride. The Remaining Bride is fed with the Little Scroll in the spiritual wilderness
of Rev.12:6,14. Those who reject the Chosen Messenger are rejecting God,
by placing God’s Branch to their nose. God’s Branch is the revealed Word,
see Jer.1:11,12.

Many of the Remaining Bride will be made white, as well as the Fellowservants.
Yet, if one rejects the Revelation of the Chosen Messenger (latter day Elisha)
they will be classed as the wicked who understand not, see Dan.12:10. The
Remaining Bride’s destiny is written on the other side of the Lamb’s scroll. The
latter day Elijah (Man-child) SHOULD have finished the prophecies, however,
the latter day Elisha (Chosen Messenger) shall finish them by prophesying again.

Shekinah Glory ||| Prov.8:1-10,14,19,22,23,27,30,32-36

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598