Q> Why do the Cherubim and Seraphim need to cover
themselves (their ‘bodies’) if they are already in glorified
form (being in a glorified state, rather than in physical
human form)?

A>Isaiah 6:2
Above it stood the Seraphims: each one had six wings; with
twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet,
and with twain he did fly.

The verse in Is.6:2 reveals the Seraphim (Angels) having six wings.
Four of the wings cover the body from top to bottom, and two wings
are used in flight.

Firstly, the vision of Is.6:2 is a symbolic description using that which
is familiar to humans. The symbols convey hidden meanings.

Seraphim and Cherubim are known to be Angels dwelling in the
Angelic realm. The Seraphim and Cherubim live upon the sea of
glass in the future from our day. The Angels in heaven are our future,
just as we are their past. The Angels round about the sea of glass
were once humans upon the earth.

God destroyed the first creation where the Angels of heaven had
once lived as humans. God destroyed the first creation because
God had created the first humans with hearts and minds knowing
both good and evil, which God realized by experience would not
work. God realized that evil and good could not live together in
harmony side by side. Therefore, the first creation (the creation
before that of Adam and Eve) was destroyed in a flood of water,
as seen in Genesis 1:2 where the earth is shown to be covered
in water.

The Angels in heaven were once humans upon the earth in the first
creation. There is nothing new in our world. All that has taken place
since the re-creation of Adam and Eve, has already been.

That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath
already been; and God requireth that which is past.

When Adam and Eve were created (as described in the book of
Genesis) they were told to REPLENISH (repopulate) the earth;
which means to restore the earth with people as it once was in
the first creation.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful,
and multiply, and REPLENISH the earth, and subdue it:
and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl
of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon
the earth.

In Isa.6:2 the Seraphim have six wings as opposed to the Cherubim
who have four wings in Eze.10:15,21.

The Angels in heaven (upon the sea of glass) do not have literal wings.
Their bodies are of a physical nature, however their bodies are more
glorious than our human earthly bodies. The Angels being described
as having wings reveals that they are heavenly beings who have
ascended from the first earth to their new abode in heaven upon the
sea of glass.

The Angels in heaven are upon all twelve planets in our solar system
in the future of our day. As it was in the Garden of Eden at the time
of Adam and Eve is how it is upon all twelve planets (stars) where
the Angels dwell; however, the abode of the Angels is far more glorious
than the earth at the time of Adam and Eve.

The sea of glass (diamond) is around the earth in the future. Upon the
sea of glass are trees, rivers, animals and atmosphere, as the world
upon the sea of glass is an image of the earth as it was at the time of
Adam and Eve (Garden of Eden). Beneath the sea of glass (diamond)
are the twelve foundations of gemstones; the sea of glass (diamond) is
the top layer. Above the diamond covering are trees, plants, animals,
and the Angelic beings.

The city called New Jerusalem in Rev.21:10,14 has twelve
foundations. The city New Jerusalem is of the future world that
is upon the sea of glass (diamond). God’s throne (Shekinah
Glory) is within the city New Jerusalem. Before God’s throne
is the only section of the sea of glass that is not covered with
soil, grass, trees and so forth, see Rev.4:6.

The Angels who dwell in heaven are in physical bodies which
are like human bodies, yet are far more glorious than Adam
or Eve’s. The Angelic beings cannot physically leave their
abode upon the sea of glass, though their spirit can leave their
physical bodies and travel through time and space. The spirits
of Angels are permitted to be among us upon the earth, and
they can return to their physical bodies at will.

The spirits within the Angels are the same spirits within humans.
In other words, it is as if two identical spirits are in two bodies
(one Angelic, one human) in two different time periods (one
of the future, one of the past).

The wicked angelic spirits who rebelled in heaven are of the same
spirits who are in human form, who shall rebel against God by
rejecting God’s revealed word.

When a person on earth dies, at death the body (carcass) goes
back to the ground where it came from and the spirit returns to
God upon the sea of glass.

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and THE

UPWARD, and the spirit of the beast that goeth
downward to the earth?

The Angels having wings is purely symbolical.
The Angels do not literally have wings. The wings denote that the
Angels were once humans in the first creation, and have as it were,
flown to heaven when they were destroyed in the first creation.
When they died their spirits flew to heaven, just as ours shall. The
Angels in heaven do not know their gender, as their body is covered
with a celestial garment of light, nor do the Angels in heaven

Psalm 90:10
The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if
by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their
strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and

The Seraphim have six wings. Four of the wings cover their body
and two wings are used in flight. This shows that they dwell in
heaven; upwards from earth. The Seraphim have four wings to
cover their body in Isa.6:2, as opposed to the Cherubim who
have two wings to cover their body and two for which to
fly, see Eze.1:11.

The Seraphim (females) and Cherubim (males) who are mentioned
in Isa.6:2 and Eze.10:1 represent the Saints of God who are no
longer in the flesh.

The four creatures in Eze.1:5 have four faces: Man, Lion, Ox,
Eagle, see Eze.1:10. After the four creatures (humans in a sinful
body) are killed, their spirits resurrect as Angels as seen by the
same four faces in Eze.10:14. The face of an Ox (sacrificial
animal representing God’s people who die for Truth) becomes
that of a Cherub.

In Rev.4:6,7, there are Four Beasts (creatures). These are the
same Seraphim of Isa.6:2, because they have six wings,
see Rev.4:8.

The Four Beasts of Rev.4:7 have four faces: Lion, Calf, Man,
Eagle. The face of a Calf reveals that the beasts are sacrificed
upon the altar of sacrifice, see Rev.6:9-11. After the Four
Beasts (Saints of God) are killed, their spirits resurrect into
Angelic bodies. This is seen in the Four Beasts in Rev.4:6
resurrecting as Four Angels in Rev.9:15.

The six wings of the Seraphim reveal that they are feminine Angels,
as they have more wings to cover their bodies than the four winged
Cherubim. The wings are used as a covering to show that they were
once in human flesh (beasts, see Eccl.3:18). After their resurrection
the spirits are covered with the white garment (wings) of the Angelic
body, see Rev.19:8.

The armies (Saints) in heaven that come down from heaven at the
time of the Sixth Seal are those who were once human upon the
earth , see Rev.19:14; Dan.7:18,22.

God uses symbols that are known by humans
to convey and reveal hidden meanings.

Where in the Bible is it revealed that Lucifer is feminine?

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup, GA. 31598