The Israelites were in the wilderness journeying to the land of Canaan
and some of them began to murmur against God (HAYAH HAVAH)
and Moses (type of the Chosen Vessel).

And the people spake against God, and against Moses,
Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in
the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there
any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread.

The Israelites in the wilderness with Moses, typify the Remaining
Faithful Bride (being those who were gathered by David Koresh),
Fellowservants (being the spiritual firstborn children of the Remaining
Faithful Bride), and the 144,000 (being the other spiritual children
of the Remaining Faithful Bride, born later in the spiritual wilderness).

Aaron the High Priest typifies the latter day Man-child (David
Koresh), and Moses typifies the Chosen Vessel. The Israelites
in the wilderness are represented as one woman with her seed
(children), just as the Remaining Faithful Bride who follows the
Chosen Vessel’s Revelation (Rod of HAYAH HAVAH’s Word)
is represented as one woman with her children (Remaining Faithful
Bride with the Fellowservants and 144,000).

I have likened the daughter of Zion to a COMELY AND

And the WOMAN fled into the wilderness, where she hath a
place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a
thousand two hundred and threescore days.

A person destined to be of the Remaining Faithful Bride (being
previously gathered by David Koresh) or a Firstfruit, may have
in the past negatively murmured against (rejected) the Chosen
Vessel’s Revelation. Many Christians have also murmured against
(complained about) the Chosen Vessel’s Revelation just as the
children of the Israelites murmured against Moses leading them to
the Promised Land.

And the people spake against God, and against Moses,
Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die
in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there
any water; and our soul loatheth this LIGHT BREAD
(Manna: two sided scroll, see Rev.2:17, 10:8-10).

All Christian doctrines and personal beliefs are likened unto
deadly poisonous serpents which bite the followers of these
false religions, causing the converts to spiritually die. The people
who murmur against the Chosen Vessel’s Revelation (typified by
Moses) have been bitten by the fiery venomous serpents (of their
religious beliefs).

Many people are spiritually perishing because what they believe
to be true, is in fact deceiving (biting) them, and is likened unto a
venomous snake. A person who believes the written Word of
God must receive the Seven Seals Revelation (as revealed by the
Chosen Vessel) and believe it and continually walk in its light to
be healed.

The wise Christians who are destined to be Firstfruits (Fellowservants
and 144,000) shall see (believe) the Chosen Vessel’s Revelation and
be healed from their former beliefs, which they were once deceived
by (bitten). As Moses (type of the Chosen Vessel) lifted up a red
(fiery) serpent made of copper, so the Chosen Vessel has lifted up
the Seven Seals Revelation for all to look thereon and believe, and
be healed (thereby receiving the crown of salvation).

And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a FIERY (Red)
SERPENT (Snake), and set it upon a POLE (representing
a rod): and it shall come to pass, that every one that is
bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole,
and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man,
when he beheld the serpent of brass (copper), he lived.

The fiery brazen serpent was made of copper, as copper is like
the color red, hence the term: fiery (red).

In the construction of the sanctuary tabernacle, three pure metals
were used:
a) gold
b) silver
c) copper.

The color blue is often attributed to silver, and the color red is attributed
to copper.

There were three colors used in the construction of the sanctuary
a) purple
b) blue
c) red.

There were also three skins of animals used in the covering for the
sanctuary tabernacle:
a) bullock’s skins
b) goat’s hair
c) ram’s skins dyed red.

There were also three parts to the ark of the covenant:
a) Mercy Seat
b) Right Hand Covering Cherub
c) Left Hand Covering Seraph.

There are also three parts to the Seven Seals Scroll:
a) the one scroll
b) written on one side of the Man-child (being the Right Hand
Covering Cherub)

c) written on other side of the Chosen Vessel (being the Left
Hand Covering Seraph).

The red (fiery) copper serpent (snake) which Moses made (according
to the commandment of HAYAH HAVAH) represents the Chosen
Vessel. Before the latter day Two Witnesses (Man-child and Chosen
Vessel) were manifested, the scroll of destiny (prophecy) had to be
first written. Therefore, the Seven Seals Scroll of Life is symbolized
by the first metal: gold. After gold is silver, which represents the latter
day Man-child (David Koresh) coming (Word made flesh) to fulfill
prophecy as it is written of him on the first side of the two sided scroll
of Rev.5:1. After silver is copper, which represents the Chosen Vessel
(typified by Moses) coming (Word made flesh) to fulfill prophecy as
it is written of him on the other side of the scroll.

Silver is likened to the color blue and copper is likened to the color
red. When Moses made the red (fiery) serpent in the wilderness, it
represented the Chosen Vessel’s Revelation, because it was made
of copper (third metal after gold and silver) being the color red (third
color after purple and blue).

Unless a person looks to the Revelation of the Chosen Vessel (thereby
learning the song of the latter day Moses: Chosen Vessel, see Rev.15:3),
they will not be healed from the deception (bites) of their false religious
beliefs (venomous biting serpents). Yahshua’s (Jesus) ministry of 2,000
years ago, was only a type of the red copper serpent which Moses
made in the wilderness.

The sacrifice of John the Baptist (who had the duplicate spirit of Gabriel
within his body) and the sacrifice of Yahshua (who had the duplicate
spirit of Michael in his body) were perfect sinless sacrifices without
having spot or blemish (sinless). Therefore, the unclean deceptive serpent
was an unfitting symbol for a sinless perfect sacrifice.

The unclean copper serpent (snake) that was placed on a pole (rod)
in the wilderness as a way to salvation from death, pointed to the
latter day Revelation of the Chosen Vessel. All who believe the
Revelation of the Chosen Vessel, are figuratively looking to the red
copper serpent which Moses lifted up on a pole (rod).

The latter day Man-child (David Koresh) was manifested according
to one side of the scroll, to have the propensity to sin (likened to a
serpent made of silver and placed upon a rod) like any other person.
Within the Man-child’s body was the same duplicate spirit of Michael
which was also in Yahshua’s body.

The Chosen Vessel (symbolized by: copper; red; Left Hand Covering
Seraph; other side of the scroll made flesh) was manifested according
to the other side of the scroll, to have the propensity to sin (symbolized
by the red copper serpent that was placed upon a rod) like any other
person. Within the Chosen Vessel’s body is the same duplicate spirit
of Gabriel which was also in John the Baptist’s body. Therefore, the
red (fiery) snake (serpent) which Moses made in the wilderness,
symbolizes the physically unclean (sinner) sacrifice of the Chosen Vessel.

Just as the fiery red serpent is an unclean animal, so the Chosen Vessel
is purposely manifested according to the written Word of the scroll to
have the propensity to sin. Any person who looks unto (believes) the
Revelation of the Chosen Vessel (red fiery serpent) shall be healed,
thereby receiving Salvation in the awesome Eternal Kingdom of

The Chosen Vessel reveals his ministry according to one side of the
scroll. The rod is a symbol of God’s Word. The Man-child had a
Rod of Iron which represents the two sided scroll of Rev.5:1, and
Rev.10:2. The Man-child only revealed and fulfilled one side of the
two sided scroll (Rod of Iron), for half an hour of symbolical time,
see Rev.8:1.

And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations
with a ROD OF IRON (two sided scroll): and her child was
caught up unto God, and to his throne.

Aaron’s (type of the Man-child) rod became a serpent when placed
before pharaoh, as the serpent represents the latter day Man-child
(David Koresh) who had the propensity to sin. Therefore, the written
Word becoming flesh (Man-child) in the latter days was likened unto
a serpent, as the Man-child was a blemished offering (sinner)
according to the written Word, see Ps.40:3,7,12; 51:4; Is.57:17.

And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did
so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his
ROD (symbol of the Seven Seals Scroll) before Pharaoh, and
before his servants, and it became a SERPENT (symbol of the
latter day Man-child having propensities to sin).

Aaron (type of the Man-child) was chosen as High Priest when his
rod budded and yielded almonds. Aaron’s rod budding typifies the
ability of the latter day Man-child (David Koresh) to reveal and fulfill
the first side of the Seven Seals Scroll. The Word of God is likened
unto a rod. Many people have a rod (Bible) but only the Man-child’s
rod (Bible) blossomed (as he revealed and fulfilled the Seven Seals
prophecies contained in the first side of the written scroll).

Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Jeremiah,
what seest thou? And I said, I see a ROD of an almond tree.

Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will
hasten MY WORD (rod: two sided scroll) to perform it.

The Man-child having an Iron Rod (the strong unbending Word of
God; see Rev.12:5), is the Mighty Angel coming down from heaven
having the two sided little scroll (Rod of Iron: two edge sword) in
his hand, see Rev.10:2.

And he had in his hand a LITTLE BOOK (scroll) open: and he
set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,

The Man-child (David Koresh) finished revealing and fulfilling the
first side of the Seven Seals Little Scroll. Thereafter the scroll was
handed to the Chosen Vessel (typified by John the Revelator) who
is now revealing and fulfilling the second side of the two-sided Seven
Seals Scroll. The Firstfruits will be gathered from among those who
believe that the Bible contains the written Word of God. The Chosen
Vessel at this time, can only reveal the mysteries which are contained
in the prophetic writings of the Bible; having no miracles or physical
signs to offer, prior to the Sixth Seal.

And I (referring to the Chosen Vessel) went unto the angel,
and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto
me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter,
but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.
And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up;
and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had
eaten it, my belly was bitter.
And he said unto me (referring to the Chosen Vessel), Thou
must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and
tongues, and kings.

The Chosen Vessel is now prophesying again, to gather and Seal
the Firstfruits (Fellowservants and 144,000) before the Sixth Seal
(great and dreadful day of God’s wrath). The Chosen Vessel has
within his hand the two sided Seven Seals Scroll, which is represented
as a reed-like rod (the rod symbolizes God’s written Word) which
is used to measure (judge). The Chosen Vessel judges (measures)
the people who profess to believe God’s Word, according to the
Revelation of the two sided Seven Seals Scroll (reed-like rod) to
see who measures up (attains the standard) to be a FIRST of the
Firstfruits (Remaining Faithful Bride of the Lamb; see Rev.11:1)
as well as those who measure up to the standard of a Firstfruit
(Fellowservants and 144,000) according to the Revelation of the
Seven Seals Scroll (reed-like rod).

And there was given me a reed like unto a ROD (two sided
scroll, see Rev.10:9) and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and
measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that
worship therein.

The Chosen Vessel (type of Moses) is in the spiritual wilderness
with the Remaining Faithful Bride (see Rev.12:6), just as Moses
came out of Egypt and into the wilderness with the Israelites.
Manna came down from heaven and nourished the Israelites
(type of the Remaining Faithful Bride) with their children (type
of the Firstfruits) while in the wilderness.

The Hidden Manna (Seven Seals Scroll) is the revealing of that
which was closed (sealed up in a mystery) within the scroll, until
the Revelation of the Man-child and then the Chosen Vessel. Just
as John the Revelator (type of the Chosen Vessel) ate the scroll
in Rev.10:10, so shall the Faithful Saints eat (believe) the Revelation
of the Chosen Vessel (type of Moses), while in the spiritual
wilderness journeying to HAYAH HAVAH’s Kingdom,
see Rev.2:17; 12:6,14.

The rod of Moses (type of the Chosen Vessel) which became
a serpent (see Ex.4:2-4) symbolizes the Revelation of the second
side of the scroll which relates to the Chosen Vessel. Aaron’s rod
(typifying the Man-child’s rod) and Moses’ rod (typifying the
Chosen Vessel’s rod) became serpents, symbolizing the written
Word (likened unto a rod, see Jer.1:11,12) of the two sided
Seven Seals Scroll made flesh.

When Aaron placed his rod before pharaoh and the rod became
a serpent, the serpent represented the latter day manifestation of
the Man-child according to the first side of the Seven Seals Scroll.
When pharaohs wise men (sorcerers and magicians) threw their
rods down (Ex.7:22), their rods became illusionary serpents which
represent the false interpretations of God’s Word.

Just as Aaron’s serpent (symbolizing the first side of the scroll)
swallowed up the other serpents (symbolizing the false interpretations
of God’s Word), so shall the Chosen Vessel’s Revelation (serpent)
of the second side of the scroll, be fulfilled and all false interpretations
(other serpents) fail.

When the latter day Man-child (deceptive serpent: sinner) was
manifested from scripture (Aaron’s rod: God’s Word; one side
of the Seven Seals Scroll) he had the propensity to sin, hence
the rod (Word of God) became a serpent (an unclean and
deceitful animal).

The Chosen Vessel (deceptive serpent: sinner) was manifested
from the other side of the Seven Seals Scroll (Moses’ rod: Word
of God) having the propensity to sin, hence the rod (written Word
within the second side of the two sided scroll) became a serpent
(an unclean and deceitful animal). Both the Man-child and the
Chosen Vessel were manifested with the propensity to sin like
any other person, thereby fully understanding the weaknesses
of the sinner.

The Revelation of the red serpent (Chosen Vessel) is now lifted up,
the wise who look thereon (believe) shall receive the healing of
salvation. The Faithful Saints are in the spiritual wilderness eating
Manna (two sided Seven Seals Scroll) with the Chosen Vessel
(typified by Moses). The wise Saints see and believe the Seven
Seals Revelation (red serpent) which the Chosen Vessel has
revealed (lifted up) and are healed from any bites (former beliefs)
which they had received from other serpents (false religious leaders;
false beliefs).

And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent,
and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every
one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole,
and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man,
when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

HAYAH HAVAH's Fiery Chariot

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598