Revelation 13:1
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and
saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having
seven heads and ten horns, and upon his
horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the
name of blasphemy.

The Beast coming up out of the sea (peoples, multitudes, nations, see
represents the latter day kingdom of Babylon that is rising up
from the people (sea). The kingdom that was before latter day Babylon
was latter day Egypt, as seen by the Great Red Dragon (image of the
earthly Dragon)
in Rev.12:3, that had crowns upon its seven heads
rather than crowns upon the horns.

The crowns being upon the Great Red Dragon’s heads symbolizes the
kingdom of Egypt prior to the Man-child (Lamb) being born (sounding
his Seven Seals Song of Ps.40:3).
The earthly Dragon who stood before
the woman in Rev.12:4 was latter day Egypt, as the earthly Dragon (image
of the heavenly Great Red Dragon)
had crowns upon its heads.

The Dragon in Rev.13:1 has crowns upon its horns, showing that this is
latter day Babylon. When the crowns are upon the horns of the Dragon
Beast that is mentioned in Rev.13:1, the horns (kings; kingdoms) have
received power with the Beast as stated in Rev.17:12. The ten horns
receiving power with the latter day Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1,
represents the time when the Little Horn of Babylon arises,
see Dan.7:8, 20-22,24-26.

The latter day Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1 represents the mixed
iron and clay feet of the great image in Dan.2:33,34,41-44. When
latter day Babylon arose from the sea (peoples) as seen in Rev.13:1,
the heavenly Great Red Dragon of Rev.12:3 also had crowns upon
its horns, because it is the heavenly image of latter day Babylon.

Babylon reigned after the kingdom of latter day Egypt (Dragon
Beast mentioned in Rev.12:4, having crowns upon its heads).
Latter day Egypt represented the kingdom which reigned before
latter day Babylon, as seen by the legs (latter day Egypt) of the
image in Dan.2:33 being before the feet mixed with iron and clay
(latter day Babylon).

The Beast mentioned in Dan.2:40 is the fourth Beast (latter day
that is described in Dan.7:7,23, being the kingdom of man
that comes before the kingdom of latter day Babylon. The
kingdom in the past that ruled Jerusalem before the old kingdom
of Babylon was the kingdom of old Egypt, see 2Kin.23:33-37.

When Egypt took control of old Jerusalem, Pharaoh made Jerusalem
pay taxes, see 2Kin.23:33-35, this is also mentioned in Dan.11:20.
Egypt ruled Jerusalem first, then Babylon ruled Jerusalem as seen in
2Kin.24:1-20. Thereafter Babylon destroyed the city of Jerusalem
and her temple because of rebellion, as stated in Dan.11:16.

The Babylonian Dragon Beast that is mentioned in Rev.13:1, has
ten horns coming out of his seven heads. The ten horns in the past
type represents the ten tribes of Israel who were in the land of
Palestine (Promised Land). The land of Palestine was divided into
seven lots when the Israelites conquered the Canaanites, see Josh.18:6.

The seven lots represent the seven heads (seven capitals; seven
that are upon the Dragon Beast that have the ten horns
(ten tribes)
coming out of them. The reason for only ten horns (ten
upon the seven heads (seven lots), is because the tribes of
Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh took their inheritance outside
of the Promised Land, on the east of Jordan. Therefore they were
not included among the inheritors of Palestine (seven lots; seven
heads; seven mountains).

The tribe of Levi also did not receive an inheritance as their inheritance
was the priesthood, see Josh.18:7. There are thirteen tribes altogether,
as the house of Joseph received a double portion given to his sons
Ephraim and Manasseh, see Eze.47:13. Deducting Reuben,
Gad, half of Manasseh, and Levi from the other thirteen tribes, as
stated in Josh.18:7, leaves only ten tribes (ten horns) including the
other half of Manasseh remaining in the land (seven heads) of Palestine.

In the latter days the latter day Babylonian Dragon Beast that has
seven heads (leading Christian nations) and the ten horns (nations)
represents the Christian kingdom, which parallels the united kingdom
of Israel.

The seven heads upon the Dragon Beast of Babylon in Rev.13:1
are the seven mountains mentioned in Rev.17:9, which are the seven
women of Is.4:1. In the past the seven women were the seven capital
cities (seven mounts) of each of the seven lots.

The seven heads upon the latter day Dragon Beast of Babylon
are the seven heads (Seven leading Christian nations) that
think for the whole Beast (world). The ten horns who come out
of the seven heads (seven lots; seven leading Christian nations)
are the other nations that have given their power and strength unto
the Babylonian Beast of Christendom, see Rev.17:12.

The Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1 became Babylon (confusion)
when Christendom (latter day Babylon) rejected the latter day
Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll. When the Lamb revealed the mystery
of the Seven Seals Scroll, latter day Egypt became latter day Babylon
(confusion). The Christian leaderships (religio and political) refused
the last warning that was given by the Elijah messenger of Mal.4:5,
which is the revealing of the Seven Seals Scroll before the coming
of the great and dreadful day of the Lord’s fierce wrath (Sixth Seal).

On the foreheads of the seven headed Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1,
a name is written. The name that is written on the heads of the
Babylonian (Christian) Beast, is the name of Blasphemy (Babylon;
confusion, see Rev.17:5).
The Great Christian Nation (one head
of the seven heads)
represents the great whore (typifying old
who made all other nations (heads and horns) drunk
with the wine cup (doctrines: religio/political ideals) of her
fornication, see Rev.17:1,2.

Those who have not received the knowledge of the Seven Seals
Scroll from the Chosen Vessel at this time, are drinking from the
wine cup (knowledge) of the great whore (Great Christian
Those who eat of the Hidden Manna (sealed scroll)
will receive the knowledge of the Father’s surname as stated
in Rev.2:17. The 144,000 shall have the Father’s surname of
Koresh written in their foreheads (minds; memories),
see Rev.14:1.

The latter day Babylonian (Christian) Dragon Beast destroys many people by
peace (deception), as stated in Dan.8:25; 11:24. Christendom (Babylon)
beguiles the people into a false sense of salvation through its policies
(religio/political). The Christians have embraced the political horns
(nations), and have committed fornication with them. The Christians have
rejected the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll and instead received an
Abomination (false beliefs) in their foreheads (minds; memories) which
is the democratic doctrine of Christendom.

Christendom (Babylon; confusion) destroys many people with its system
and will cause many to reject a great glory in the Kingdom of God. Babylon
(Christendom) is beguiling the people into a feeling of peace and safety when
there is no peace, for the sword of the Sixth Seal (great and dreadful day of
God’s wrath)
is at the door.

Only those who receive the knowledge of the Seven Seals Scroll from the
Remaining Bride shall stand in the great day of God Almighty (Sixth Seal).
The people of Christendom have received the Abomination (false Christian
into their spiritual sanctuaries (temples; bodies: minds; memories),
being the doctrine of man (man of sin, see 2Th.2:3,4).

The Christian leaderships (religio/political) preach: ‘peace, peace,’ when
there is no peace, see Jer.6:13-15. For the great and dreadful day of the Lord
is at hand and who shall be able to stand? see Rev.6:17.

There are many who are giving and receiving in marriage, eating and drinking,
buying and selling, just as they were before the flood of Noah which destroyed
all the rebellious (those that believed not the word of Noah), see Mt.24:38.

In these last days, those who do not heed the last warning which is now
repeated by the Remaining Bride (before the great and dreadful day of
God’s wrath),
will go through a terrible time of trouble (five months of
such as never was, or ever shall be again.

Many Christians believe they are rich and increased with goods (knowledge
of God and Christ)
and are in need of nothing (do not need extra Truth),
and they KNOW NOT that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and
naked, see Rev.3:14-22. Unless one receives the Revelation of the Seven
Seals Scroll, they are in the Laodicean condition as mentioned in Rev.3:14-22.
The Christians are blind to their condition, since they think that believing in the
Christ of 2,000 years ago is all that is required of them.

God reveals Present Truth in EVERY generation. Woe unto the rebellious
fools who have darkness for light and have rejected light thinking it is darkness.

Rev.13: 2
And the beast which I saw was like unto a
leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a
bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:
and the dragon gave him his power, and his
seat, and great authority.

The Beast that John saw in Rev.13:2 is the latter day Beast of Babylon,
being described with the characteristics which the Spirit of Prophecy used
to describe the past kingdoms in the book of Daniel.

The body of a Leopard represents the kingdom of Grecia (see Dan.7:6) who
ruled over old Jerusalem. Grecia (Leopard) is also represented by the belly
and thighs of brass (copper) of the image in Dan.2:32.

The Babylonian Beast that is described in Rev.13:2, has its feet likened unto
a Bear. The Bear represents the kingdom of Medo/Persia, see Dan.7:5.
Medo/Persia ruled Jerusalem before the kingdom of Grecia (Leopard)
being symbolized by the image (Jerusalem; woman) that had breasts
and arms of silver in Dan.2:32.

The Babylonian (Christian) Beast has a mouth like a Lion’s mouth. The Lion
represents the kingdom of old Babylon, see Dan.7:4. Old Babylon ruled over
Jerusalem (image of Dan.2:31) before the kingdom of Medo/Persia, being
symbolized by the image’s head of gold which represented old Babylon, see

The Babylonian Beast that is mentioned in Rev.13:2, received its power
from the Dragon (latter day Egypt).

The Dragon mentioned in Rev.13:2 represents latter day Egypt who ruled
before latter day Babylon. In the past scenario, old Egypt ruled Jerusalem
before the old kingdom of Babylon ruled Jerusalem.

The description of the Babylonian Beast that is given in Rev.13:2, is of a
Leopard (Grecia), a Bear (Medo/Persia), a Lion (old Babylon), and a
Dragon (latter day Egypt). The Beasts used to describe the Dragon in
Rev.13:1 are in reverse order from the past scenario which is described in
Dan.7:4-8 (Lion, Bear, Leopard, Indescribable Beast: Dragon), therefore
the Dragon that is listed in Rev.13:2 is revealed to be latter day Egypt, from
which latter day Babylon received its power, seat, and great authority.

The Dragon that is described in Rev.13:2 was latter day Egypt who in the past
was described as a great Dragon, see Eze.29:3 ref. to the Dragon (Egypt) that
was in the midst of the rivers. The seat (capital of Christendom) of the Beast
shall become darkness at the Sixth Seal, as all the earth shall be darkened, see

Rev.13: 3
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded
to death; and his deadly wound was healed:
and all the world wondered after the beast.

The Babylonian Beast has seven heads. One of the seven heads was wounded
to death on April 19th 1993. The one head that was wounded to death is the
head that represents the Great Christian Nation (lamb-like Beast). The
wounded head was caused by the latter day Lamb’s two edge sword (two
sided scroll),
being the Word of God (Seven Seals Revelation) that caused
a division among the people of Babylon (Christendom), see Rev.6:4 and

The Man-child of Rev.12:5 had a Rod of Iron (two edge sword) because
the Man-child (latter day Lamb) WAS to rule all nations as stated in
Rev.12:5; however the Man-child (Lamb) only wounded one head (Great
Christian Nation)
on April 19th 1993. At the Sixth Seal the Man-child
shall return to rule all seven heads according to the revealed Word
(Rod of Iron),
see Rev.19:15.

The Man-child (latter day Cyrus) revealed his Seven Seals Scroll which he
received from the one who sits upon the throne, see Rev.5:1,7. The Lamb
caused the wounding of the Babylonian Beast upon one of its heads on
April 19th 1993. The Lamb was killed during the inflicting of the wound
upon the one head (Great Christian Nation), fulfilling the type of Samson
who wounded the heads of the Philistines during his death.

The Christ of 2,000 years ago also brought a sword (Word of God; Present
by which he wounded the religio/political system during his death, see
Mt.10:34-39. The latter day Lamb (Man-child; Elijah messenger) came
with his two sided Little Scroll (two edge sword) as seen in Rev.10:1,2, and
gathered his Bride (followers) by revealing unto them the Revelation of the
Seven Seals Scroll (book).

The Lamb (Man-child) prophesied for half an hour of symbolical time as
stated in Rev.8:1,2, being the first half hour of Babylon’s one hour (symbolical
reign which ends at the Sixth Seal. On April 19th 1993, the latter day
Lamb was killed and at the same time inflicted the wound upon the one head
(Great Christian Nation) of the Babylonian Dragon Beast. The day the
Lamb was killed began the 2,300 day prophecy of Dan.8:14.

After Babylon heals from its wound, it continues for 1,260 days (42 months)
which is the amount of time that remains of the 2,300 day (evening and
prophecy. On the 1,040th day after April 19th 1993, the Babylonian
Beast (Christian system of religio/political ideals) healed from its wound, as
can be seen by the one head (Great Christian Nation) rising up in Rev.13:11;
described as a lamb-like Beast (Great Christian Nation; false prophet).

The wounding of the latter day Babylonian Beast (Christendom) upon
one head (Great Christian Nation) caused the people to distrust the
religio/political system of the Babylonian (Christian) Beast. The people
of the Beast have regained their trust of the Babylonian Beast (who destroys
many by peace).
The wound healed in 1,040 days from the time (April 19th
it received its wound upon one (Great Christian Nation) of its seven

In Rev.13:3 it states that once the wound heals, all the world wonders after
the Christian Beast, as opposed to wondering after the Revelation of the
Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll. During the time of 1,040 days from April 19th
1993, the Abomination (Christian doctrine of salvation) had not yet sat
in the spiritual temple (sanctuary) of the people’s minds as can be seen
by the Lamb’s Remaining Bride worshipping in the spiritual temple, see

The Babylonian Beast has now healed from its deadly wound which was
inflicted by the Lamb’s two edge sword, see Rev.13:14 ref. to the Beast
being wounded by a sword. The Lamb (Man-child) is represented by
the Rider upon the red horse in Rev.6:4, who was given the two edge
sword (two sided scroll) by which the Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1
was wounded, as stated in Rev.13:3.

The people who are wondering after the Babylonian (Christian) Beast in
Rev.13:3, are also mentioned in Rev.17:8, which shows the Beast in three
stages. Prior to receiving its wound (WAS; six), receiving its wound (IS NOT;
and healing from its wound (ASCENDS OUT OF THE BOTTOMLESS
PIT; Six).

When the Babylonian Beast healed from its wound, the Abomination
(Knowledge of Christendom pertaining to God and salvation) was
sitting in the spiritual temple of the people’s minds (memories) where
the Seven Seals Revelation should be.

Rev.13: 4
And they worshipped the dragon which
gave power unto the beast: and they
worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like
unto the beast? who is able to make war
with him?

The Dragon which is being worshipped is the Great Red Dragon of Rev.12:3.
Those who are worshipping the Babylonian Beast (mirror image to its
heavenly image)
that healed from its wound, are worshipping the Great
Red Dragon (image of the Babylonian Beast) which is mentioned in
Rev.12:3; 20:2. The Christians who control the Babylonian Beast (that
has seven heads and ten horns),
are worshipping the devil and Satan
(Great Red Dragon of Rev.12:3).

The people of the Babylonian (Christian) Beast have rejected the Lamb’s
Seven Seals Scroll and have received in its place, the abominable doctrines
of the Babylonian (Christian) Beast. All people upon the earth who have
not the understanding of the Seven Seals Scroll in their foreheads, are
worshipping the Dragon (devil and Satan of Rev.20:2), because the
Babylonian Beast is the image and representative of the Great Red Dragon
of Rev.12:3, upon the earth.

The Christians who are living in the Babylonian Beast religio/political system
without the knowledge of the Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll written in their minds
(memories), have the knowledge of the Babylonian (Christian) Beast instead.
The knowledge of Christendom represents the Abomination (false beliefs)
that leaves the believer desolate of salvation. The Babylonian Beast has
become a vast and complex religio/political system that the whole world
wonders after, being likened unto Leviathan (symbol of Babylonian Beast),
see Is.27:1; Ps.74:14.

The Babylonian Beast being religio/political, represents all the religious
churches that are in the lands of Christendom, as well as all social and
business activities. Even if a Christian attends church every day, prays,
fasts, gives money to the poor, yet has not the Revelation of the Lamb’s
Seven Seals Scroll, their works are to the system they are worshipping.
Only those who are written in the Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll of Life are
not worshipping the Beast or the Dragon in heaven of Rev.12:3; 20:2.

Rev.13: 5
And there was given unto him a mouth
speaking great things and blasphemies;
and power was given unto him to continue
forty and two months.

The Babylonian Beast that healed from its deadly wound (which was
inflicted by the Lamb’s (Man-child’s) two edge sword; two sided
scroll; Rod of Iron)
was given a mouth. The mouth is the lamb-like
Beast of Rev.13:11 who does all the speaking on behalf of the whole
Beast. The lamb-like Beast is the Great Christian Nation that continues
for 1,260 days (42 months) from the time the wound heals.

The wound was inflicted on April 19th 1993, and 1,040 days later the
Babylonian Beast healed from its wound. The 1,260 days (42 months)
is the remaining time of the 2,300 days of Dan.8:14. The 42 months (42
new moons)
mentioned in Rev.13:5, represent the same time period of

The Babylonian Beast that healed from its wound is allowed to continue for
a 42 month (1,260 days, see Dan.7:25; 12:7) time period which ends at
the Sixth Seal cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary (mind) from the Abomination
(Christian doctrine). The Babylonian Beast having healed its wound, is sitting
in the spiritual temple; being the spiritual temples of the people’s minds
(memories; forehead).

The 1,260 days (42 months) that the Babylonian Beast continues (see
represents the second half hour of Babylon’s one hour (prophetic
reign. The great whore (Great Christian Nation; lamb-like Beast)
shall be destroyed at the Sixth Seal (great and dreadful day of God’s wrath),
as seen in Rev.18:10,17 ref. to the one hour of symbolical time that latter day
Babylon reigns.

The Remaining Bride of the Lamb has fled from the spiritual temple, as
shown in Rev.11:1,2, where the false doctrine (Abomination of Desolation)
of Christendom is sitting, see 2Th.2:3,4, being a literal description in Mt.24:15.
The Remaining Bride is fleeing to the spiritual wilderness in Rev.12:6,14, that
she may be fed (nourished) with the Manna (Hidden Manna of Rev.2:17)
while she is in the spiritual wilderness.

The Remaining Bride fleeing to the wilderness and eating the Manna is typified
by the Israelites who were fed with Manna during the 40 years in the literal
wilderness as they journeyed to the Promised Land of Canaan.

After the wound upon the Babylonian Beast healed, the Remaining Bride
received the extra oil (Hidden Manna) which the Chosen Vessel (typified
by John in Rev.10:8-11)
imparted unto her (Remaining Bride). Those of
the Remaining Bride who receive of the Hidden Manna shall thereby
understand the time prophecies which relate unto her destiny, being those
prophecies which are written on the other side of the scroll (Hidden Manna)
of Rev.5:1.

The prophecies on the second side of the scroll concern the Remaining Bride
gathering her children (Firstfruits). After eating the spiritual food (Hidden
Manna written on the one side of the scroll)
while in the spiritual wilderness,
the Remaining Bride now understands that she is to bring forth her spiritual
children, being the Firstfruits of Fellowservants who are to die with her as
foretold in Rev.6:11, and the Firstfruits of the 144,000 who do not die.

The Israelites who came out of Egypt typify the Remaining Bride fleeing to
the spiritual wilderness. The Israelites ate manna for 40 years in the wilderness
as they gave birth to their children, typifying the Bride (woman) who brings
forth her seed in the spiritual wilderness. Only two of the Israelites who came
out of Egypt went into the Promised Land, which typifies the Remaining Bride
who is killed in the spiritual wilderness by the Babylonian Beast.

The Israelites who were in the wilderness for 40 years gave birth to children,
some of those children died in the wilderness, however many crossed over
to the Promised Land. This typifies the Bride (woman) who gives birth in
the spiritual wilderness to her spiritual children being the Firstfruits. Some
of the Bride’s children are to be killed in the spiritual wilderness with the
Bride fulfilling the Fifth Seal, see Rev.6:11. The rest of the Bride’s children
are the 144,000 who shall enter into God’s Kingdom at the Sixth Seal
without seeing death.

The head that speaks for the whole Babylonian Beast is the lamb-like Beast
of Rev.13:11, being the Great Christian Nation that killed the latter day Lamb
and some of his Bride as stated in Dan.8:10,11; 9:26. At the end of the 1,260
days (42 months) of Rev.13:5, the cleansing of the spiritual sanctuary (temple;
bodies; minds; memories)
begins at the Sixth Seal; being the time that God
sets up the Kingdom (New Jerusalem). The expiration of the 2,300 days of
Dan.8:14 happens on the same day that the 1,260 days (42 months) expires.

The great and dreadful day of God’s wrath and the setting up of God’s
Kingdom, brings an end to latter day Babylon’s reign. The latter day Lamb
(Cyrus) returns at the Sixth Seal with the Chosen Vessel and the 200,000,000
army of Saints (Horses: Brides), to cleanse the spiritual sanctuary (temple)
of the people’s minds from the Abomination (doctrine of Christendom) for
a period of five months, see Rev.9:5.

Latter day Babylon who has seven heads and ten horns will be overthrown
by the latter day Cyrus (Koresh of Is.44:28; 45:1), just as old Cyrus of the
Medes and Persians, overthrew old Babylon and set free all captives to return
to their homelands.

Rev.13: 6
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy
against God, to blaspheme his name,
and his tabernacle, and them that dwell
in heaven.

The Babylonian Beast heals from its wound and continues for 1,260 days
(half an hour of symbolical time).
During the 1,260 days (42 months)
the Babylonian Beast will speak blasphemy against God, by declaring that
the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll that is now being revealed by the
Remaining Bride is not of God.

The Great Christian Nation blasphemes against God by not accepting the
Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll before the great and dreadful day of
God’s wrath. God had sent the latter day Elijah messenger (Man-child of
to the inhabitants of the Beast, as promised in Mal.4:5, and
thereafter the Elisha messenger who is now prophesying again.

The Babylonian Beast not only rejected the latter day Lamb (Lamb) and
thereafter killed him and some of his Bride on April 19th 1993, but will
also reject the Lamb’s Remaining Bride who is now prophesying again
as stated in Rev.10:11; 11:3.

To reject the Revelation of the Lamb or the Chosen Vessel’s Revelation of the
two sided scroll, is to be blaspheming against the God of heaven.

Upon each of the seven heads of the Beast (leading Christian nations) is
written the name (knowledge of Christendom pertaining to Jesus) of
blasphemy, see Rev.13:1; 17:5, ref. to the name written upon Christendom’s
forehead. The Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1 rejects the Seven Seals
Revelation from the Lamb, and after the Babylonian Beast heals it also
rejects the Remaining Bride. By rejecting the Revelation of the Seven
Seals Scroll of Rev.5:1, Christendom has not received the Lamb’s new
surname of Koresh (Cyrus), as stated in Is.44:28; 45:1.

The name Cyrus (Koresh) is a surname, and is written in Is.45:1,4, as being
the surname of God (Elohiym). God has given His surname (Is.45:4) to His
anointed (Is.45:1; the latter day Lamb; Word made flesh). Koresh is the
same name which the 144,000 shall have written in their foreheads (minds),
see Rev.14:1.

Only by receiving the Hidden Manna (Seven Seals Scroll of Rev.5:1) and
eating the scroll (manna) can a person understand the New Name of the
latter day Lamb (Man-child; Koresh). The latter day Lamb has a New
Name, see Rev.19:12, which one can only receive by eating the scroll
as John ate it in Rev.10:8-10, being the Hidden Manna of Rev.2:17.

In Rev.13:6 it states that the Babylonian Beast blasphemes against God’s
name (surname of Koresh), which is done by rejecting the Revelation of the
Chosen Vessel Seven Seals Scroll. The Babylonian Beast having rejected the
Seven Seals Revelation (Hidden Manna of Rev.2:17; book; Scroll of Life)
blasphemes against God’s dwelling place (sanctuary; temple), which in the
first instance refers to heaven, and in the second instance refers to God’s
Word of the Seven Seals that dwells within those who have eaten the
Hidden Manna.

Once a person eats the Hidden Manna (two sided scroll) as John ate it in
Rev.10:8-10, then the Kingdom of God will be within you. Those who are
written in the Lamb’s Scroll of Life of Rev.5;1, will be those who receive the
knowledge of the Seven Seals Scroll, first by accepting it in their hand, and
then by eating the scroll (book); which causes the knowledge of the Seven
Seals to be in the forehead (mind; memory).

As stated in Rev.13:6, those who dwell in heaven are those who are written
in prophecy, as seen by the Four Beasts ROUND ABOUT the throne who
represent the Bride of the Lamb who are first gathered from the last generation
of the living. The other groups of Four Beasts ROUND ABOUT the throne
are also the Lamb’s Bride, yet these are to be gathered from the generations
of the past dead, beginning from the generation of Christ unto the last

The Twenty-four Elders of Rev.4:4 are also round about the throne, being
the Firstfruits (Fellowservants and 144,000) who also dwell in heaven
whom the Babylonian Beast blasphemes, as stated in Rev.13:6. After healing
from its wound, the Babylonian Beast will blaspheme against the Chosen
Vessel and the Lamb’s Remaining Bride (Four Beasts ROUND ABOUT
the throne that dwell in heaven, see Rev.4:6)
and against her children
(Fellowservants and 144,000) who dwell in heaven as it is written in the
Lamb’s Scroll of Life.

Rev.13: 7
And it was given unto him to make war with
the saints, and to overcome them: and power
was given him over all kindreds, and tongues,
and nations.

The Saints spoken of in Rev.13:7 are the Remaining Bride of the Lamb
(who now reveals the Seven Seals Scroll with the Chosen Vessel)
the Fellowservants (spiritual children of the Remaining Bride). The
Fellowservants are those who heed the Revelation of the Seven Seals
Scroll which the Remaining Bride reveals unto them. The Two Witnesses
(Lamb and Chosen Vessel written on both sides of the scroll) are to
prophesy again as stated in Rev.11:3,7, during the same time that the
Babylonian Beast heals from its wound and is allowed to continue for
42 months, see Rev.11:3 and Rev.13:5.

After the Remaining Bride finishes re-sounding the Seven Seals Scroll, the
Babylonian Beast will make war with the Saints of God and shall overcome
them and kill them as prophesied in Rev.6:11; 11:7; 13:7. After healing from
its wound the Babylonian Beast will have power over all kindreds, tongues,
and nations as stated in Rev.13:7. The Babylonian Beast being the divided
kingdom of Christendom, is the Beast that has power over all other nations
both economically and in warfare. Who can make war with the Babylonian
(Christian) Beast? Who is likened unto the Beast? Only God and his Lamb
can destroy the Babylonian Beast.

The Great Christian Nation (whore; lamb-like Beast; false prophet) is the
mouth of the Babylonian Beast which speaks for the entire Beast of
Christendom. The Babylonian Beast will make war with the Saints
(Remaining Bride and Fellowservants) as also mentioned in Rev.11:7.

At the time the Babylonian Beast makes war with the Saints prior to the
Sixth Seal, the patience and faith of the Saints is in the Seven Seals
commandments which was first revealed by the latter day Lamb and
now through his Chosen Vessel, see Rev.14:12. The Chosen Vessel
with the Remaining Bride and Fellowservants are to be killed before
the 42 months of Rev.13:5 has expired, fulfilling the Fifth Seal of
Rev.6:11, as they are the Blessed of the Lord, see Rev.14:13.

Rev.13: 8
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship
him, whose names are not written in the book
of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation
of the world.

All that dwell upon the earth shall worship the latter day Babylonian Beast.
Only the wise who have received the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll
from the hand of the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride, shall be
written in the Lamb’s Scroll (book) of Life. The Book (scroll) of Life in
Rev.5:1, contains all the prophecies that pertain to the redeemed.

To have your name written in the Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll of Life is to
have received the understanding of prophecy, thereby knowing which group
your name will be written in. Those who accept the Seven Seals Revelation
at this time from the Chosen Vessel and the Remaining Bride will be the
Firstfruits unto God.

Those who have not received of the Revelation which the Remaining Bride
is imparting at this time, know not where they are written in the Lamb’s
Seven Seals Scroll of Life. Therefore the foolish and rebellious are
worshipping the Babylonian (Christian) Beast that healed from its
wound, after 1,040 days from April 19th 1993.

In Rev.13:8 it states that the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world,
meaning that the first sacrifice in the garden of Eden, by which God covered
the nakedness (sin) of Adam and Eve, represents the latter day Lamb
(Man-child; Elijah)
who was sacrificed for the people of the new (second)
covenant. Christ of 2,000 years ago died for the people under the old (first)
covenant, see Heb.9:14-17.

The people who are worshipping the Babylonian Beast (now that it has
healed from its wound that was inflicted by the latter day Lamb)
received the wine cup (religio/political doctrines of Christendom) into
their hand from the great whore’s (Great Christian Nation) hand, see
Rev.17:4, and have drunk the wine (abominable doctrine of Christendom)
which causes the mark (knowledge) of the Beast to be upon their forehead
(knowledge of Christendom to be in their minds; memory).

Rev.13: 9
If any man have an ear, let him hear.

He that leadeth into captivity shall go into
captivity: he that killeth with the sword must
be killed with the sword. Here is the patience
and the faith of the saints.

The Saints have the faith to be patient because they received the
Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll, thereby having the understanding
of the prophecies. The prophecies reveal that whatever the wicked do
unto the Saints, shall be done unto the wicked. The Babylonian Beast
leads them into captivity, and Babylon too shall be led into captivity
at the Sixth Seal Fulfillment.

The Babylonian Beast shall kill the Saints (Remaining Bride and
with the sword (weapons of war), the Saints
knowing this are patient having the understanding of scripture that
the Babylonians shall be killed by the army of God’s Saints
(200,000,000 of Rev.9:15-17)
at the Sixth Seal (great and
dreadful day of God Almighty).

The Saints cannot have faith unless they have received the knowledge
of the Seven Seals Scroll from the Lamb or the Chosen Vessel. The
Saints have the understanding and knowledge that they are fulfilling
the prophecies that are written of them, as seen in Rev.6:11.

In Rev.13:9 it states, if anyone has just one ear to hear what the Spirit says,
that person shall understand the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll. The
Seven Seals Revelation is now being re-sounded by the Chosen Vessel
with the Remaining Bride, to gather her spiritual children (Firstfruits)
before the Sixth Seal fulfillment of the great and dreadful day of
God’s wrath.

The Babylonian Beast shall kill the Saints of God with the edge of the sword
(weapons of war) as it is written. The Saints having the knowledge of their
destiny, shall have the patience and faith to know that what is to happen to
them has already been written, just as they also understand that they shall
rise up, as eagles arise to the prey, at the fulfillment of Rev.11:11; 9:2,15-17;
Dan.12:2; Eze.37:1-10; Zec.9:13.

And I beheld another beast coming out of
the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb,
and he spake as a dragon.

The Beast that is coming out of the earth (bottomless pit of Rev.17:8)
represents the one head (Great Christian Nation) of the seven heads
that was wounded to death on April 19th 1993, by the latter day Lamb’s
(Man-child’s) two edge sword (Seven Seals Scroll).

The one head that was wounded is the Great Christian Nation who killed the
latter day Lamb and some of his Bride on February 28 and April 19th 1993.
The Beast that is mentioned in Rev.13:11 is described as a Lamb-LIKE Beast,
because it seems peaceful, yet it speaks as a Dragon. The Lamb-LIKE Beast
deceives the people into believing its religio/political system is good, and that
the Lamb and his Bride are evil. On the surface the Lamb-LIKE Beast
portrays itself to be on the side of God, when in all actuality it is of the

The lamb-like Beast of Rev.13:11 speaks like a Dragon because the
lamb-like Beast is the mouth of the Babylonian Dragon Beast that has
seven heads and ten horns; as a mouth was given unto the Babylonian
Beast after it healed from its wound as stated in Rev.13:3. The lamb-like
Beast is a land animal, being symbolized as Behemoth of Job 40:15-24.
The way of Truth shall be evil spoken of by the mouth of the lamb-like
Beast (false prophet) who speaks great things against the Lamb and
Chosen Vessel, see 2Pet.2:1,2; Rev.12:15; 13:5,11; Dan.7:8,25.

When the Lamb wounded one head of the Beast (lamb-like Beast; Great
Christian Nation)
on April 19th 1993, it caused the whole of the Babylonian
Beast that had the seven heads and ten horns to be wounded to death. The
wound was inflicted upon the peaceful (deceptive) system of Babylon’s
religio/political ideals which causes many people to be deceived.

The latter day Lamb caused a division among the people of Babylon
(Christendom) and this caused the Babylonian (Christian) religio/political
structure to be wounded. After the wound healed, all the world wondered
after the Beast as stated in Rev.13:3; 17:8. The earth where the lamb-like
Beast was coming out of, as stated in Rev.13:11, represents the grave
(bottomless pit); revealing that the one head (lamb-like Beast) was
healed and arose out from the bottomless pit (grave) causing the whole
Beast to be healed.

In the latter days the lamb-like Beast represents the Great Christian Nation
(whore; false prophet), as the two horns represents the land of the Great
Christian Nation, and the head that has the two horns coming out of it
represents the capital of the Great Christian Nation. In the past scenario,
the lamb-like Beast’s two horns represented the land of Judah and Benjamin,
and the head that has the two horns coming out of it, represented the capital
city of Jerusalem.

The lamb-like Beast resurrecting from the bottomless pit (grave) represents
the healing of the Babylonian Dragon Beast, see Rev.13:3. Therefore, what is
described in Rev.13:3, Rev.13:11 and also Rev.17:8, are all the same event
of the Babylonian Dragon Beast healing from its wound which was inflicted
upon one (Great Christian Nation; lamb-like Beast) of its seven heads.

With the healing of the one head (lamb-like Beast of Rev.13:11) the Beast
will continue for 1,260 days (42 months). When Babylon’s wound healed
(lamb-like Beast ascending from the earth; grave), this signified that the
Abomination (knowledge of Christendom pertaining to God and salvation)
was sitting in the spiritual temple (sanctuary; minds; memories of the people)
where the Seven Seals Revelation should be.

If one receives the mystery of the Seven Seals Scroll, then they will understand
that the great and dreadful day of God’s wrath is at the door of fulfillment. The
wise shall be Sealed with the knowledge of God in their forehead (mind) before
the terrible time of trouble (Sixth Seal) is fulfilled upon the inhabitants of the earth.

The resurrection of the lamb-like Beast (healing of the Babylonian Dragon
begins the 1,260 day (42 month) prophecy which represents the last
half an hour of Babylon’s one hour reign. The Babylonian Dragon Beast reigns
for one symbolical hour. The first half hour of the one hour of Babylon’s reign
began from the time the latter day Lamb revealed the Seven Seals Scroll and
ended with the wounding of the Babylonian Beast on April 19th 1993.

The second half hour of the one hour of Babylon’s reign began when
Babylon healed from its wound in Rev.13:3,11, and continues for 1,260
days (42 months), ending at the Sixth Seal. Babylon (Christendom)
fell once on April 19th 1993, when it had its system of religio/political
peace (deception) wounded by the Lamb’s two edge sword (two
sided scroll)
which brought a division among the people of Babylon.

The second and final time Babylon falls is at the Sixth Seal. In Rev.14:8;
18:2, it states: ‘Babylon is fallen (first on April 19th 1993), is fallen’
(second time at the Sixth Seal, at the end of the 1,260 days (42 months)
time prophecy, which ended the same time as the 2,300 day prophecy
of Dan.8:14).

And he exerciseth all the power of the
first beast before him, and causeth the
earth and them which dwell therein to
worship the first beast, whose deadly
wound was healed.

The lamb-like Beast represents the healing of the whole Babylonian
Dragon Beast. The lamb-like Beast speaks as a Dragon (Babylonian
Beast prior to receiving its wound)
as it uses (exerciseth) all the
power that the first Babylonian Beast had before receiving its deadly
wound. The lamb-like Beast represents one head upon the Babylonian
Beast. After the Beast healed from its wound, the mouth (speaking
leader of the seven headed Beast of Babylon)
caused the people
of the earth to worship and follow the same system that the Babylonian
Beast championed prior to its wound.

The lamb-like Beast (Great Christian Nation) caused all the people
of the world to worship the first Beast (Babylon prior to receiving its
deadly wound in Rev.13:1).
There is no difference between the
resurrected Beast and the first Beast of Babylon prior to it receiving
its deadly wound from the Lamb’s two edge scroll.

The Lamb prophesied for a prophetic half hour, being the first half hour of
Babylon’s (Christendom’s) reign, see Rev.8:1,2 ref. to the Lamb sounding
(revealing) his seven trumpets (Seven Seals Scroll). The Babylonian Beast
rejected the Lamb’s Seven Seals Revelation, as it had its own religio/political

When the Babylonian Beast healed from its wound, it was no different than
the first Beast (Babylon prior to receiving its deadly wound upon the one
head; Great Christian Nation).
The lamb-like Beast (being the one head
of the Babylonian Beast)
caused the people of the earth to keep the same
religio/political system as it was before it received its deadly wound, as stated
in Rev.13:12.

The lamb-like Beast (one head; Great Christian Nation) resurrected
from the bottomless pit (grave; earth; see Rev.13:11) causing the whole
Babylonian Beast (that has seven heads and ten horns) to be fully healed
(revived). The lamb-like Beast represents the one head (Great Christian
that was wounded on April 19th 1993.

The wounded head healed (being one of the seven heads) by the 1,040th
day after the Lamb was killed, beginning the 1,260 day prophecy. The time
that Babylon resurrected is shown by the lamb-like Beast (one head; Great
Christian Nation)
healing from its wound. The Remaining Bride (who was
not killed by the first Babylonian Beast prior to it being wounded)
to the spiritual wilderness of Rev.12:6,14, when the Babylonian Beast healed
from its wound in Rev.13:3,8. The Beast continues for 1,260 days
(42 months; see Rev.13:5) which is the same time that the woman
(Remaining Bride)
is in the spiritual wilderness, see Rev.12:6,14.

The Remaining Bride flees to the spiritual wilderness where she is fed
(nourished) with the Hidden Manna of Rev.2:17, being the Seven Seals
Scroll that John (type of Chosen Vessel) ate in Rev.10:8-10. The Chosen
Vessel feeds the Remaining Bride with spiritual manna, just as the Israelites
who were led by Moses (type of the Chosen vessel) ate manna in the
wilderness on the way to the Promised Land. The Remaining Bride eats
the Hidden Manna (spiritual food of the sweet and bitter Seven Seals
and thereafter understands that she is to bring forth her spiritual
children (Firstfruits).

The Remaining Bride prophesies AGAIN after she has eaten the Hidden
Manna as stated in Rev.10:11; 11:3. The Remaining Bride brings forth
her spiritual children while she is in the spiritual wilderness. At the same
time the Remaining Bride is in the spiritual wilderness for 1,260 days, the
Babylonian Beast will have its Abomination (Christian doctrine) sitting
in the spiritual temple (sanctuary; bodies; minds; memories) of the people.
The Remaining Bride has fled from the Abomination (false beliefs) to the
spiritual wilderness as commanded in Mt.24:15,16.

The Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride prophesies AGAIN during
the 1,260 days (42 months) when the Babylonian Beast heals from its
wound. The Remaining Bride prophesies AGAIN for half an hour of
symbolical time, being the last half an hour of Babylon’s (Christendom’s)
one hour reign which ends at the Sixth Seal (cleansing of the spiritual
sanctuary; temple).

And he doeth great wonders, so that he
maketh fire come down from heaven on
the earth in the sight of men,

The lamb-like Beast (false prophet; Great Christian Nation) makes
fire come down from heaven. The lamb-like Beast represents the false
Elijah (false prophet of Rev.16:13; 19:20) who makes spiritual fire
(satellite; radio waves) come down from heaven to the earth in the
sight (television) of men. The lamb-like Beast uses television to show
that it has healed from its wound which it received on April 19th 1993,
by giving the impression that it can be trusted.

The lamb-like Beast is the false Elijah who causes the seven thousand
(symbolic seven thousand)
of Rev.11:13 to worship the first beastly
system. The Elijah of old (Prophet of God) making fire come down
from heaven in 1Kin.18:36-40, parallels the false prophet (false Elijah;
Great Christian Nation)
who makes the fire of deception come down
from heaven in Rev.13:13.

In the days of old Elijah, there were seven thousand who had not bowed
the knee unto Baal, see 1Kin.19:18. The false Elijah (Great Christian
Nation; lamb-like Beast)
causes seven thousand (symbolic number of
seven thousand)
to bow the knee to the Beast, refusing the Seven Seals
Revelation (Word of God). Therefore, at the Sixth Seal the symbolical
seven thousand of Rev.11:13 will be slain by the army of God’s Saints,
see Rev.9:15.

And deceiveth them that dwell on the
earth by the means of those miracles
which he had power to do in the sight
of the beast; saying to them that dwell
on the earth, that they should make an
image to the beast, which had the wound
by a sword and did live.

The lamb-like Beast uses the fire from heaven (satellite radio transmissions)
to deceive the inhabitants of the whole earth. The Babylonian Beast’s horns
(nations) and heads (leading Christian nations) see the miracles which
the one head (lamb-like Beast; Great Christian Nation) does. The
lamb-like Beast has the power to do and promote its religio/political
democratic ideals through the media of television and radio, broadcasting
around the globe to all peoples.

The Great Christian Nation (false prophet; lamb-like Beast) wants all
nations to make a democratic image to the Babylonian Beast that was
wounded to death by the Lamb’s two edge sword (Word of God; Present
The lamb-like Beast says to the nations of the world that they
should make an image of democracy to the Beast, meaning that they
should follow the democratic system of the Babylonian (Christian) Beast
that had its system of democratic religio/political ideals wounded on
April 19th 1993.

The Sword of Truth divided the Babylonian people against each other, just
as Christ of 2,000 years ago divided the people of Judea against each other.
Christ brought the Sword of Truth to divide the people against the
religio/political system, see Mt.10:34-39.

The lamb-like Beast having healed from its wound which it received from the
Lamb’s two edge sword (prophecies written in the two sided scroll), wants
all nations to instigate within their nation, the same religio/political democratic
ideals of the first Beast (Babylon; Christendom prior to its wound). The
Great Christian Nation says to the nations who are not part of the Babylonian
Beast that they should make a democratic image to the Babylonian
Beast system.

The system which the Babylonian (Christian) Beast uses in its religio/political
democratic society, is enforced upon other nations who are not a part of the
Babylonian Beast; forcing them to copy (make an image) its democratic
system, otherwise those nations will not be able to trade (buy or sell) with
the Babylonian Beast.

The Beast that was wounded by a sword as mentioned in Rev.13:14,
represents the Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1 prior to it receiving its
wound by the Lamb’s (Man-child’s) two edge sword (two sided scroll).
The Babylonian Beast was wounded by the latter day Lamb on April 19th
1993, fulfilling the Second Seal of Rev.6:4. The Rider upon the red horse
was the Man-child of Rev.12:5. The red horse represents one of the Four
Beasts who are ROUND ABOUT the throne, see Rev.4:6. The Rider
(Lamb; Man-child)
upon the red horse (Bride) had a sword that was
given unto him, see Rev.6:4.

The sword of Rev.6:4 is the same sword which the Babylonian Beast of
Rev.13:1 was wounded with. The sword is a two edge sword (Seven Seals
that proceeds out of the latter day Lamb’s mouth, as seen in
Rev.19:15. The sword which proceeds out of the mouth of the latter
day Lamb (Man-child) represents the prophecies that are written upon
the scroll, being those prophesies that the Lamb revealed. The two edge
sword (Word of God) that wounded the Babylonian Beast represents
the Rod of Iron (Word of God) which the Man-child had with him in
Rev.12:5, being the same sword that is mentioned in Rev.1:16; 2:12,16.

The people of the Babylonian Beast have rejected the Revelation of the
Seven Seals Scroll (two edge sword), because the people of Babylon
are at ease (peace), as stated in Zec.l:10,11. Therefore God is very sore
displeased with the people of Babylon (Christendom), as stated in
Zec.1:15. The Lamb’s sword (Revelation of God’s Word) brought
a division on April 19th 1993, which wounded the Beast as it were to
death. The latter day Lamb typifies the Christ of 2,000 years ago who
caused a division by revealing Present Truth from the Word (sword)
of God, see Mt.10:34-39.

The Babylonian Beast that has seven heads and ten horns represents the
whole kingdom of Christendom and other nations who destroy many
people by peace (deception), see Dan.8:24,25; 11:21-24. The Babylonian
Beast does not know that the great and dreadful day of God’s wrath
(Sixth Seal)
is at the door of fulfillment. Therefore the religio/political
system of Babylon shall cause many of its people to reject the last
warning that is given by the Bride before the Sixth Seal.

And he had power to give life unto the
image of the beast, that the image of the
beast should both speak, and cause that
as many as would not worship the image
of the beast should be killed.

The lamb-like Beast gives life unto the image (Babylonian Beast that
healed from its wound)
of the Beast (seven headed, ten horned Beast
of Rev.13:1).
After healing from its wound the lamb-like Beast causes
the system of Babylon’s (Christendom’s) religio/political democratic ideals
to regain life among the people. The image of the Beast represents the
Babylonian Beast healing from its wound, having restored its religio/political
system that destroys many of its people wonderfully (by peace, see
Dan.8:24,25; 11:23).
The image of the Beast has been restored to be
as it was prior to the Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1 receiving its deadly
wound from the Lamb’s (Man-child’s) Rod of Iron (two edge sword;
two sided scroll).

The Babylonian Beast being healed, means that the Beast that resurrected
from the bottomless pit (grave) of Rev.17:8, is exactly the same (image)
as it was prior to it receiving the deadly wound. The lamb-like Beast (Great
Christian Nation; false prophet)
causes all to worship the image (healed
Babylonian Beast)
of the first Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1.

The image of the Beast (healed Babylonian/Christian seven headed, ten
horned Beast)
speaks, as the lamb-like Beast is the one head that speaks
for the entire resurrected Babylonian system. Those nations who do not
want to make an image (copy the Babylonian Christian Beast) to the
Babylonian Beast system of religio/political democratic ideals shall be killed
with sanctions.

The way to kill a nation is to allow no other nation (horn) to trade with it,
thereby causing the nations death. The image of the Beast represents the
Babylonian Beast that healed (ascended from the bottomless pit, see
from its wound. The Beast prior to the wound rejected the
Lamb, and the Beast having healed shall reject the Chosen Vessel.

The Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride (woman of Rev.12:6,14)
prophesy AGAIN as stated in Rev.10:11; 11:3, during the time after the
image (Babylonian Beast healing from its wound) of the first Beast
(Beast of Rev.13:1 prior to its wound) has healed from its wound,
being the mirror image of the first system of religio/political democratic

And he causeth all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a
mark in their right hand, or in theirx

The lamb-like Beast (Great Christian Nation) causes all nations both
small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark (wine
cup of Rev.17:4)
in their right hand. Once they drink of the wine cup
(doctrines of Christendom’s religio/political ideals) the wine (knowledge
of the democratic Babylonian Christian system)
will be in their foreheads
(minds; memories).

The wine (religio; political democracy) symbolizes the Abomination
(Christian doctrine) that sitteth in the spiritual temple (sanctuary; bodies;
minds; memories of the people).
The great whore (lamb-like Beast; Great
Christian Nation)
causes all nations to drink of the wine cup (religio/political
that is in her right hand, see Rev.17:1-6. When the great whore kills
the Bride, the people are seen to be merry because they are spiritually drunk
with the wine (knowledge) of Christendom.

The seven heads upon the Babylonian Beast that has ten horns (Christian
are the leading Christian nations who are drinking from the great
whore’s (Great Christian Nation’s) wine cup (religio/political ideals),
see Rev.17:2,12,17, being the same scenario that is mentioned in Rev.13:16.
The great whore causes all nations (other horns) to drink of her wine cup
(religio/political democratic ideals) as stated in Rev.17:2.

The whole world wonders after the Babylonian (Christian) Beast because
the lamb-like Beast (Great Christian Nation) is the mouth piece which
causes all other nations to receive the mark (wine cup of her religio/political
democratic ideals)
in their right hand.

By receiving the cup into their right hand they become drunk with the whore’s
wine (doctrines of Christendom; religio/political). Those who receive of
the Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll into their right hand, as John (typifying the
Chosen Vessel)
had done in Rev.10:8-10, rejecting the wine cup of the
great whore (Great Christian Nation) shall stand in the great and dreadful
day of God’s wrath (Sixth Seal; time of trouble such as never was).

All Christian denominations have an Abomination written on their foreheads
(minds), for they have not eaten of the Seven Seals Scroll (Hidden Manna
of Rev.2:17).
They have not the Father’s surname of Koresh written in their
foreheads (minds; memories) as the 144,000 shall have, see Rev.14:1.

The latter day Lamb is surnamed Koresh (Cyrus), see Is.44:28; 45:1,4. The
only way to receive the New Name of the latter day Lamb (Man-Child) is
to have personally received the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll from
the Lamb or the Chosen Vessel, before the great and dreadful day of God’s
wrath (Sixth Seal).

The great whore (lamb-like Beast) in the past, was the old city of Jerusalem
who killed the Prophets that God had sent unto her. The latter day great
whore (Great Christian Nation) has also killed the latter day Lamb and
will also cause the death of the Remaining Bride (including the Chosen
with the Fellowservants, fulfilling Rev.6:11. See also Rev.13:7;
14:13; and 17:6 .

The Great Christian Nation causes all nations, whether small or great,
rich or poor, free or bond, to follow and accept the Babylonian (Christian)
Beast’s democratic religio/political system, see Rev.13:16.

And that no man might buy or sell, save
he that had the mark, or the name of the
beast: or the number of his name.

The men who cannot buy or sell if they reject the Babylonian Beast’s
democratic religio/political ideals are the nations (kings; men). No man
(horn; nation) can buy or sell (trade with other nations) if they do
not accept the democratic mandates of the Babylonian (Christian)
Beast, which the Great Christian Nation (one head; lamb-like Beast)

Any nation (man) who is not a part of the Babylonian (Christian) Beast,
must drink of the great whore’s (Great Christian Nation) wine cup, which
is filled with her religio/political democratic ideals. The mark of the Beast
represents the acceptance of the wine cup (doctrines) into the right hand
from the great whore, as she has made all nations drunk with her doctrines
(wine) of confusion, see Rev.17:1-4.

The name of the Beast is the name of confusion (Babylon). When one drinks
the wine cup of the great whore (Great Christian Nation), thereafter the
drinker has the name of Babylon (confusion) written in their forehead
(minds; memories). Just as if a person drank strong wine, the intoxication
would go to their head and make them drunk thereby. The same applies to
those who accept the wine cup (doctrine of Christendom) into their right
hand, showing that they have the mark (wine cup) in their right hand. Those
who drink of the whore’s wine (doctrines) will have the name of confusion
(Babylon) written in their foreheads (mind; memories).

The great whore has the name of Babylon written on her forehead, see
Rev.17:5. The doctrine of the great whore is the Abomination (doctrines
of Christendom)
that sits in the spiritual temple (sanctuary; bodies; minds;
where the Seven Seals Revelation should be. To not understand
the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll (Book (scroll) of Life) is to have
the knowledge of Christendom’s abominable doctrines in your mind which
will leave the drinker of her spiritual wine desolate of a great glory in the
Kingdom of God (New Jerusalem).

The number of Babylon’s name (Babylon: confusion) is the number of six,
as the beasts were created on the sixth day, as also man was created on
the sixth day, see Gen.1:24-26. Therefore the name of the Beast is Babylon,
and the Beast’s number is six. The Babylonian system being a Beast system,
represents the system of man (human) without the knowledge of God’s
Seven Seals Scroll. It states in Rev.13:17, that no man (horn; nation) can
buy or sell (trade) save he (man; nation; horn) that has the mark (wine
cup in their right hand),
or the name (Babylon (confusion); Christendom),
or the number (six) of his name.

The Great Christian Nation (lamb-like Beast of Rev. 13:11) will instigate
sanctions upon any nation (man; horn) who will not accept the religio/political
democratic ideals of the Babylonian (Christian) Beast. All the seven heads
of the Babylonian (Christian) Beast of Rev.13:1, have the name of blasphemy
(confusion) written upon their foreheads, showing that they are drunk with
the wine cup of the Great Christian Nation (whore of Babylon).

The ten horns (nations) have also been made drunk thereby, see
Rev.17:1,2,4,12,13,17. Any nation that refuses the democratic
mandates of the Great Christian Nation (mouth of the Beast; false
will not be allowed to buy or sell with any nation of the
Babylonian Beast, as sanctions will be placed against them, which
causes the nation (man) to be killed as stated in Rev.13:15.

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the number of
the beast: for it is the number of a man;
and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six.

To have wisdom is to know the mystery of the Seven Seals Scroll that
was sealed in the Right Hand of God in Rev.5:1. Only the Chosen Vessel
(typified by John, see Rev.10:8-10)
can reveal unto the Remaining Bride
the wisdom that is written on the other side of the scroll which pertains
unto the Remaining Bride’s (woman of Rev.12:6,14) situation.

Count the number of the Beast; the number of the Beast is six, because it is
the number of man. The number of man is the number six because he was
created on the sixth day. On the sixth day of creation the beasts were also
created, therefore the number six is the number of man (human) and beast.
(The number six also represents an in-complete state, as the number
seven symbolizes what is complete.)

There are three sixes (six, six, six), that we are to count. After counting the
sixes we see that there are three sixes, representing the Babylonian Beast in
its three stages (three sixes; six, six, six). In Rev.13:2 the description of
the Babylonian Beast is given. The Beast is like a Leopard (Grecia), its feet
are the feet of a Bear (Medo/Persia), and its mouth was the mouth of a Lion
(old Babylon).

The Dragon (latter day Egypt) gave the Beast (latter day Babylon) its seat
and great authority. The Dragon on the earth represents latter day Egypt, as
the Beasts are in reverse order from the prophetic writings of Daniel, see
Dan.7:4-8. The Beast that ruled over Jerusalem before old Babylon (Lion),
was old Egypt (Dragon of Eze.29:3). The Great Dragon in heaven
represents Satan, and her reflection (image) is the Dragon upon the earth.

The Babylonian Beast is made up of the past kingdoms:

Leopard (Grecia, see Dan.7:6)

Bear (Medo/Persia, see Dan.7:5)

Lion (old Babylon, see Dan.7:4)

Dragon (latter day Egypt, see Rev.12:4)

SIX: Beast (latter day Babylon prior to receiving its deadly wound,
see Rev.13:1)

SIX: Beast (latter day Babylon during the period of its wound;
Beast that IS NOT, see Rev.17:8)

SIX: Beast (latter day Babylon, having healed from its wound in
Rev.13:11,15, being the image of the Babylonian Beast prior to it
receiving a wound)

The number of the Babylonian Beast is the number six, as the number of six
is the number of the day that man was created, see Gen.1:26; being the same
day (and number) that the beasts were created on, see Gen.1:24,25,31.

The number (six) of the Babylonian Beast is counted as
three sixes: six, six, six.

The Babylonian Beast reigns in three stages, as shown by the three sixes
(six, six, six).

The Babylonian Beast prior to its wound represents the first six.
The Babylonian Beast during its wound represents the second six.
The Babylonian Beast having healed from its wound represents the third six.

The Babylonian Beast of Rev.13:1 is the first six prior to it receiving its
wound, being the Beast that WAS in Rev.17:8.

The Babylonian Beast then receiving its deadly wound on April 19th 1993, as stated in Rev.13:3, represents the second six, being the Beast that IS NOT in Rev.17:8.

The Babylonian Beast healing from its wound in Rev.13:11,15, represents
the third six being the image (healed Beast) of the Babylonian Beast
(before the wound) that ASCENDS OUT OF THE BOTTOMLESS PIT
(having healed from its wound)
in Rev.17:8.

The latter day Babylonian Beast is symbolized by the past kingdoms (Beasts;
The Babylonian Beast is in three stages (six, six, six). Those who
have an ear to hear will realize that none but the Chosen Vessel of God can
reveal the mystery of the Six, Six, Six.

The Chosen Vessel is the one who has the wisdom to understand, as he was
first to receive the Seven Seals Scroll from the spiritual hand of the latter day
Lamb. John (Chosen Vessel) in Rev.10:8-10, received the Seven Seals Scroll
from the latter day Lamb (mighty Angel of Rev.10:1,2).

Let no man deceive you, those who hearken and receive the extra oil, which is
presented by the Chosen Vessel unto the Remaining Bride, will be likened unto
the five wise virgins that took extra oil (Present Truth) in their vessels (bodies;
sanctuary; temple),
see Mt.25:1-12. The wise (Firstfruits) will receive the
Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll from the Remaining Bride, who is fed
with the extra oil (extra Truth; Hidden Manna) by the Chosen Vessel, see

The Three Stages Of The Beast

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598